♡chapter 2♡

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"Amy darling I'm so glad you could make it " Amy's mother Trish said as Amy walked into the living room.
"where's dad?" Amy asked.
"your dad is at Ronald's house watching a ball game, he is going to have dinner there you know how James mother can be about people having dinner at her house "
"'it's my house my rules, if you stay you must eat"' Amy and her mother both quoted as they laughed together.
"darling how's your new job?" her mother asked.
"oh it's okay except James is....Let's just say james is different and I didn't expect him to he so..." she said popping a grape from a fruit bowl into her mouth.
"oh! My dear amy. Are you picking any interest in James cos I assure you he isn't in any relationship that I know of" Trish said innocently.
"This is why I never tell you anything. You always try to ship us together. For the last time I can never be james type. He's into blonde white slender model girls " Amy said loosing her braids from the ponytail she had tied it to.
"Amarachi Deborah lake I have warned you to stop body shaming yourself. You are beyond beautiful. I don't think you see the way men stare at you whenever you walk by. And if james has half the brain I think he does, he probably feels the same way." Her mother remarked.
"I doubt" Amy said." Can we eat now?"
"if you say so. Let's go eat I'm sure you're famished." Trish led amy to the huge dining hall. The halls was filled with so many memories. From birthday dinners to Christmas parties. The hall was her childhood.
" What are we eating?" Amy asked.
"Something good. You don't look like you've been eating decent foods in years. I mean look at you, you've lost tons of weight." Trish exclaimed.
Sometimes amy can't with her mother.
"In my opinion and every other humans that is a good thing. I was way too fat. I'm still fat, but it's better than before. Mum please can we stop talking about me" pleeeaseeeee.
Her plump mother rolled her eyes. "Just because I'm not going to talk about it now doesn't mean I won't again."
"So have your heard from Taylor?" Her mother asked.
Amy grinned.
"Yes,we talked last night" how she loved her sister, Her sister had been the only one who knew where she had been the past five years. Why she had left. Taylor was married with two kids,she had been the only person she had regretted not saying goodbye to before she left lagos. She missed her very much.
"Good,I like the relationship you have with your sister not many girls your age do. You know I and my sister debby were never close. We always fought over clothes,food.."
Amy couldn't bear to hear the story of her mother's sister.
"Yeah thanks mum. You've told me this story a million times. I think I'll head home, thanks for the dinner it was delicious, compliment to the chef " she winked as she stood up.
"you're welcome dear, don't forget your dad's birthday dinner next Friday".
" I won't "She said as she waved her mum off.
She entered her old Mercedes and drove to her apartment. She plopped on her sofa after some mental beckoning she stood up, She changed into her robe after a hot shower,brewed coffee and put on her stereo system to the saddest song she could think of.
Her old Tecno smart phone rang with its "I'm so lonely by justin bieber " ringtone.
Amy grunted. "Can't I at least sulk in peace" .
She checked on her phone and it showed an unknown number.
Who the hell could be calling me at this time she thought.
She picked "Hello, amy speaking"
"Hey amy, it's rafe"
Amy heart dropped. She hadn't spoken to rafe for five years. Five years since the party. Oh she had missed him. They had texted on Instagram and Twitter but never talked on phone. She missed his voice.
"Hey rafe, how are you doing?" She said surprised her viuce hadn't failed her.
"I'm good amy, I heard you were around so I thought maybe it would be cool if we hanged like old times." Rafe said.
Oh sweet simple rafe amy thought. Did he really think she came back here to hang? After running away from her home? He of all people should know it would never be like old times.
"I'm not sure now is a good time, I just started work and I have a lot of boxes to unbox" Amy said as she thought of more excuses she could make.
"Yeah dad told me you got the job at the company. I'm impressed. James is a tough recruiter, well I could help you unbox" rafe insisted.
Amy felt bad that she was pushing him away. It's just that she didn't want to make things awkward between them.
"Rafe how about we talk about this some other time. I really need some sleep."
"Sure ams, talk to you later"
"Yeah, bye" Amy said as she ended the call.
She put her throw pillow on her face and screamed.
"WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE SO COMPLICATED ". After some series of sobs she slept off.

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