"Always in a hurry, huh?" He quipped softly in a deadly voice facing the windshield as if again trying to check the normal traffic signal and not taunting her. Renuka maintained the silence. Darting her eyes around the familiar lanes and shops, she could figure out that a walk of about 15 minutes would land her to her safe abode away from his intimidating presence and suffocating environment. Only and only if he mercifully unlocks the car and ends this torture.

"Can't wait to walk over the road with an empty head less than a donkey. Can't wait to unlock the seatbelt till the car comes into a fully stops." He fired his questions by punching the steering wheel with his right hand.

Gasping, Renuka jumped with each of his punches and slowly her eyes shoe with tears.

Again smiling without any mirth, he answered his own question." Oh well! There seems to be no risk of getting injured due to the jerking in this awful road." He listed out her crimes still not believing the outcome of her careless action this afternoon. His head was throbbing with irritation.

"Sir kindly open the door lock." She timidly requested though those words took up a lot of bravery on her part, Renuka had strung the arrow. She was just out of her wits to tackle this type of encounter which would surely end badly. Nope, terribly. She needs to be out of this elegant car and equally elegant owner of the car.

No answer to his question enraged Rohit but he tried being calm and cool. Losing his head in a topic which will only result into more futile arguments is just not Rohit's way of living.

Sighing he began playing his fingers on the steering wheel. This seemed to calm his nerves down a notch. His accountable part began spiking it's head and soon his human side observed the wrist watch striking 3'o clock. She was late. She was very very late because of his charades.

Slowly turning his head as if testing Renuka's patience he replied in a devilishly smooth voice with a smirk on his lips, "Why don't I drop you to your doorstep?"

As if just now he didn't grill her enough with his car theatrics and those sarcastic questions!! Now he remembers about her home? Is it finally the time ?? But then again why would he be so nice as to drop her in her doorstep?

"Door-doorstep?" She gaped at him from her long eyelashes.

His wide shoulders now diagonally aligned was watching her with falcon eyes. "I do think I said that only, Miss!" He remarked wryly.

He wasn't ready to leave her in her bus stop but now is planning to drop her directly at her door stop? Why ? What more is there in his cards?

"No-Nooo No! " She said a bit loudly and in a hurry.

When his eyebrows rose up with her answer, she remembered the stature of both of them. And calming herself she started again slowly, "You don't need to. Just stop the car this time in front of the Sevasadan School on the left and thats it. Nothing more. Already you have done enough for today Sir." She hardly had control over her mouth which had been shut close for a long and was struggling for a long time. She stared at his face for that added effect and specified the details of her bus stop once again so that this time no mistake on part of him and his car passing it is committed.

Soon she looked found herself entering her neighborhood and a foolish smile slowly flashed on her lips .


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