I obeyed. I opened my eyes. But didn't lift my head.

"Look at me" he said again.

I'm fucking shivering now.
What's he going to do to me. Pluck out my eyes?
I didn't know got into me because I complied.

I lifted my tear filled eyes more like tear filled face to him.

I gasped at the tender look he was giving me. The minute he lifted his hand to do whatever...
I immediately put my shaky palms to cover my face.

More tears fell. I'm so miserable. I feel so miserable.

Shaky sobs were already leaving my body. I'm tired of this kind of life I'm living.

"Damn it! "He yelled and I flinched.

I knew his act this morning was all a show. I thought

"Can't you see? I won't hurt you so obey me!" he yelled

I nodded my head quickly and immediately the headache came back in full force hammering against my skull making me wince slightly.

"Good. Now leave the wall" Damon commanded sternly.

I didn't. Instead I shrunked back to the wall the more.

He roughly sighed and walked towards me.
"No p- please d- don't I- I'll leave the wall please" I said begging in tears.

He opened his mouth to yell when a voice interrupted.

"What the hell Damon! I sent you to give her her food and you're screaming at her?" Damon's mother yelled.

"She didn't want to eat. What was I supposed to do" he answered giving me a pleading look.

"Leave" Mrs Morinson said

"B.. " Damon tried to say but was interrupted by another booming voice of his father.

"NOW! "

"No! I can't leave h... " he tried to defend

"You can't leave her? Your scaring her away from you the more" Mr Morinson yelled.

His shoulder slumped.

"Thank God" I whispered placing my hand to my fast beating heart.


Unfortunately for me, he heard me clearly.


He turned to look at me with hurt and pain evident in his eyes.
"I'm sorry if I scared you. I was only...Sorry " he whispered brokenly and left the room.

"Honey are you okay" Mrs Morinson asked worriedly coming towards me and I flinched. Remembering all those times she'd yell at me and call me names.

I nodded my head timidly with my head still down.

"I.. I'll bring another food for you. This one's cold already "she said softly walking inside the room to collect the tray Damon kept by the bed side on a stool. Then she left.


Silence is what was felt in the room. Mr Morinson is still in the room. He's still here.

"Rose" he called softly. And I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
I was so shocked to see tears in his eyes also.

You know... I'm crying because of the name he just called me. That was the name he gave me years ago when Damon and I were still dating. He always say's I'm beautiful just like a rose flower and since then, the name stuck.

"I'm so sorry Rose. It's all my fault you're suffering, its all my fault. I wish I didn't drink that coffee that day at the office " he said.

He's blaming himself.

"N-no its not. I-its okay. I'm okay. It's my fault that I- I didn't make you the coffee myself that day at the office I-I made you drink a poisoned coffee because of my c-carelessness" I whispered

"Oh no rose" he said hugging me.

God I almost forgot how it felt. I can't remember the last time someone hugged me. If I did, it was years ago.

I cried for everything on his shoulder I cried for myself, I cried for the type of life I was living, I cried for Everything.

He pulled my head off his shoulder and smiled. "Your okay now. Your safe. Please don't run away again. Please. I went crazy when I woke up and discovered that you left. Promise me you wouldn't leave without telling me"

I gave a small smile and hugged him.

"Oh and please no more "sir or Mr Morinson. It makes me feel old and I'm not. I'm still young and hot" he whined and pouted.

"I missed You daddy" I laughed with tears in my eyes hugging him tighter.

"And oh my gosh what's that smell? " he asked pulling out of our hug and I frowned. He scrunched his nose like the smell was so awful.
"What smell" I asked cause I wasn't perceiving anything bad.

He took a part of the cloth I was wearing and sniffed "Oh its you go go go! shoo" he said pushing me to the bathroom and putting on the shower to make sure I was drenchd with my clothes.

I shrieked. Holy crap. Now I have to really bath.

I could hear dad's laughter from the bathroom. "Your room would be arranged and your clothes would be here when you come out. Enjoy! " he said laughing and I smiled.

I missed this.

I heard the door close signalling he already left the room and I sighed.

I hope for a better tomorrow.

The End?.

Kidding... 😝😝😂😂😂😂
I'm not even close to finishing my story.

Ok I may

Hope you loved the update.


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