Chapter 1 (Part 1): I Can Remember

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It felt like being four years old all over again.

Except the opposite was happening.

The dragon felt as if she was being ripped back from the present into the past.

Then, she started to remember.

Hatching. Red and yellow. Mother's choice. Green flashes in my talons. Dad. Uncles. Another green flash. 8 years old. My house. That school. Kat.


I can remember everything.

My mom...

And my...



A crack was on the surface of the egg when the two figures walked into the room.

"Oh, not another cracked egg..." a voice murmured in sympathy. "Should we dispose of this one?"

"No. It's Her Majesty's egg. We mustn't touch it. Her orders Herself."

"Oh. Well, what should we do?"

"Inform Her of the news."

"I don't want to be the messenger."


"It's... WHAT!?" A roar thundered through the halls. Figures whom were in the hallway immediately scattered to find the nearest room to cower in, abandoning their items.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty..." The figure was bowing deeply, his head almost touching the floor of the throne room.

The giant gray and orange dragon sighed. "I thought they would be safe in the royal hatchery. I knew I should've left them to my sister's care."

"Should I transport the egg to her?"

"No. Someone either killed them, or they're about to hatch. Let's wait a day or two. If they are alive and hatching, let them get out on their own."

"And if they're dead?"

"If they are dead, give them a proper burial. I will ask the defenders to check the cameras, we will see who was the culprit. They will pay with a punishment worse than death."

"Yes, Your Majesty. They shall." Said the submissive dragon.

"Rise, Campbell, and return to your duties."

"Yes, Your Majesty. But, before I leave, may I ask you a question?" The dark blue and electric yellow dragon rose from his bow.

"Yes, what is your question?" The queen leaned forward to listen.

"I have always wondered, why do you use they and them pronouns for an egg?"

"It's a twin, Campbell."

"Oh. Thank you, my Queen."

The dragon bowed one more time, then he neatly turned around, and headed back to the hospital wing with his nervous red and white tail shivering behind him.

The queen sat back on her throne. She sighed, and pondered, "This better not be another act of war."


Soon news spread across the kingdom of the royal twin egg. Even the castle, which was formerly dead silent, was bustling with voices and growls.

"Did you hear?" "No, what?" "Queen Sparklea's egg is a twin!" "No way!"

"Hey, Her Majesty's egg is a twin, dude." "Really?" "Yeah!"

"Her Majesty's egg has twins in it!" "Wow! There was never a royal twin egg before." "Yeah, you're right!"

Soon advertisements about the queen's egg came around, looking to exploit opportunities. Billboards were built, dragons sold plots of their property to advertisers and businesses for expensive prices, and ads on websites for eggs were everywhere.

"Her Majesty's egg is a twin. Could yours be one too? Come to Egg Center to schedule an appointment!"

"Our queen is hatching twins soon. So could you! Schedule a meeting with EggCare today!"

"You never know when you will have twins. Queen Sparklea has a twin egg herself, ready to hatch at any moment. Be prepared with our safe and state-of-the-art egg testing! Visit for more details."

The queen was confronted by news reporters and photographers for the next two weeks. They requested photos for their news article, the royal nursery to record in, and they even wanted to touch the egg.

Queen Sparklea, said no to all of them.

"We want to see the egg! Let us see it!" "May we record in the royal nursery?" "I need to take pictures for a news article! I have a deadline."

For those next two weeks, she checked on her egg at the end of each day.

No progress on the crack.

"Oh, please. Please don't be dead. Your dad wouldn't be happy. We worked so hard for you two." She said to the egg, cuddling it gently.

"Hey! What are you doing in her-"

She snapped her head to see the figure who yelled at her with glaring eyes.

"Oh! Your Majesty, I'm so deeply sorry. Please forgive me..." the dragon bowed so low to the ground their head touched the floor. Their wings were spread out lowly, indicating more respect.

"Oh, its you, Timber. Please, rise."

The normally gray and green Timber was a dark blue shade of worry and a nervous light purple. He slowly raised his head to see the queen right in front of him. He flinched.

"Oh, Timber." She carefully set her egg down, the crack facing up. She padded up towards him, her claws clicking the floor. His ears twitched every time they did.

She sat back on her hind legs, and let him snuggle up against her so she could comfort him.

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"It's okay, I will always forgive you, my son."


There's chapter 1 part 1 for you

This chapter is going to be split up into parts because it ended up being 4000+ words when I wrote it and it's better to just split it up

And if you don't understand the "son" thing between Timber and Sparklea

Timber is her adopted son, not biological

He was in his teens at the time and Sparklea was in her mid 20s

Word count: 925 words

The Son of Sparklea | Book 3 in the Daughter of Herobrine Series |Where stories live. Discover now