Chapter 8: You Smooth Talker... {Noi}

Start from the beginning

"Cold...!" I mumbled

I turned back to Noi and waved to him.

"Come in Noi!" I exclaimed

Noi looked uneasy for a few seconds, then he walked over to me.
Once he stepped in the water his expression changed.

"AHH!! Why is it so cold!?!" Noi screeched 

"It's water... But you will get use to it once you stay in it long enough, trust me!" I grinned

Noi was unsure about the whole situation, he stayed still for a while until Seb came up behind him and pushed him over.

"Go over to her lover boy!" Seb shouted, laughing a lot along the way

Noi screeched once again as he landed in the water, he was screeching even more because of how cold the water was. I think if he keeps rolling in the water like that he might drown in 2 feet deep water or even get cut on a shell, maybe even a rock....

I walk over to Noi and help him up from out of the water.

"You can relax, ok? It's just water. It doesn't kill anyone" I reassure Noi

Unless you drown... That's the only thing that can happen.

Noi nodded in response and he calms down, thank god.
Because if he kept at it like that than I wouldn't be able to teach him at all...

I take Noi's hand and walk him deeper into the water, so we can have a good water depth to teach him how to swim.
Once the water got up to my waist, I stopped in place, this was a good place to teach Noi.
that sounds weird....

"Ok Noi, can you just, lay down please?" I ask

And Noi does as said, laying on his back like an obedient little puppy.
But then he starts to sink, he started to scream again but I just place my hands directly on his body to help him stay up.
But it wasn't working so I just decided to use my magic to hold him up.
He is still frantically moving, you know, I think I only can't hold him up because of the fact that he is moving so frantic.

"Calm down Noi!" I yelled

Noi just stops in place.

Wow, he really is like a puppy.

"Noi, you have to keep your posture like this. Relax, then you will be able to float on the water" I explained

"But Princess Y/N, i'm already floating" Noi replied

"I'm holding you up with my magic, so you won't drown" I stated

"What's drown?" Noi asked

"Oh god, it- It's nothing to really worry about Noi, but i'm sure you won't drown" I muttered

"Oh! Ok!" Noi smiled sweetly

"Ok, Noi, you can relax now, think about the thing that calms you the most, the thing that makes you happy" I said

As the words escape my mouth Noi follows my instructions, closing his eyes in the process. His body loosens up, he's not tense anymore.
He looks really relaxed, he's even smiling.
I can't help but smile as well.

I then stop using my magic to hold him up, he was actually floating!

"You're doing it Noi!" I squealed

Noi's eyes shot open and he started to squirm and panic again.
He then started to sink into the water.
I didn't want to use my magic again, so I just want to do it the old fashion way.

"Come closer to the shore line" I said as I begin walking towards the shore line.
Noi followed closely behind me and once I got into the appropriate spot I motion Noi to come lay down again.

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