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I think it's true oof

*Not related*
Grayson Bailey Jefferson:16
Ethan Grant Dolan:16

*Grayson's POV*
As I walk in the halls going to my class I am pushed up against the lockers by the person everyone falls for except me but....I think you guessed it...... Ethan Grant Dolan "What do you want Ethan?"I asked him. He comes close to my ear and whispers"you" as you can also see he is the biggest FUCK BOIIIIII"Fuck no"I say pushing"Thx for moving"I say walking to my first period as I walk in and the teachers tells me to get a Chromebook and to take a sit so we can start are lesson as the teacher was about to start Ethan walks in......everyone just stares at him"ok ok",the teacher says getting everyone's attention"Ethan go get a Chromebook and take a sit by Gray"she says and points at me I just sign in and listening to the teacher as she explains what where doing. Ethan then sits by me and opens his Chromebook and starts signing in,after he was done signing in he looked up at the teacher and listened to her,first time I see him pay attention to the teacher but as he's paying to the teacher he puts his hand on my bear skin of my thigh, i pay it no mind and keep paying attention to the teacher
*End of class#imlazy*
*Intercom:Grayson Jefferson please report to the principles office again Grayson Jefferson please report to the principles office thank*
The bell rings and I get up and put my Chromebook and go to the office"Yes sir you called me","Yes I did,I have a request for you","and may I please know this request of yours" "you have to tutor.......Ethan Grant Dolan"I stood there shook,"I-Im S-SORRY sir but why me","bcuz your my top top student and Ethan he pays attention to class but he doesn't get anything" "Yes,sure I will","Thank you very much Grayson the tutors are at anytime you can after school at his or your house"well that's even worded he has to come to my house cuz FUCK TO THE NO IM GOING TO HIS HOUSE IT PROBLEM HAS-I DONT EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT."Yes,air I'll tell him","ok but yet again.....Thank you very very much"I walk out if his office and go to my next class....
*End of school lazyness*
I look around outside for Ethan to tell him and I find him with his perverted friends I walk to them and they all start cat calling me but I just ignore them and grab Ethan by his backpack,he grabs me by the neck and  pushes me to the wall and trys kissing me but I put my hands at my mouth"woah woah buddy"I push him back"What?!","I just came here to tell you that I have to tutor you"he looks at me like he was a fucking killer clown thats about to eat you"ok chill buddy nothing is happening,but yeah give me your phone"I say taking my hand out for him to give me his phone,he gives me his phone and I put my phone number in it and txt myself"ok here you go ill send you the address when I get home,see you at 5:40p.m"I saying about to walk away but he slaps my ass and makes me angry so I just run avoiding to punch him or knee him in the balls

*At home*
"Hey,hunny welcome"my mom says giving me hug and greeting me home"Hey,mom how was your day"I say putting my things by the door and taking my shoes off leaving them by the door"I just ran some errands,hbu"she said walking with me to the living room"boring and good but hey mom"I said sitting down and getting the remote control"yes"she said about to go to the kitchen"the principle told to tutor a kid so he's coming to the house and like 5:40"I said turning the Tv on"oh,well I hope your tutoring is fast cuz at 6 or 6:30 its going to be raining pretty bad",she said as I hear dishes moving guessing looking for a pan"oh ok"I say taking my phone out and messaging Ethan my address


Who's this?

Bitch it's me Grayson 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️💢?!

Oh Hi babyboy 😘

No plz don't call me that🤬

Ok fine

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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grethan(oneshots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang