Chapter 3: A Long Trip To The Desert

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As they were heading farther into the desert, Khanis complained "Are we there yet? I'm tired!" "For the last time, no, we are not there yet. So stop complaining, you big baby. Come on. Man up!" Khanet replied. She then added "Think of this as training for battle." "This is nothing like training. This is just plain torture!" Khanis stated. "Well man up because if you're like this during war...!" Khanet replied. "You will send me home?" Khanis interrupted. "What? No! That wasn't what I was going to say. Can you let me finish instead of interrupting? Geez! Anyways, as I was saying before you interrupted was you could die in battle if you complain because then you wouldn't have the strength to fight. It would result in you being a wuss." Khanet explained. "Alright. Whatever, Khanet." Khanis replied. "Come on." Khanet replied back. After their conversation, they then set off to find where Anubis was in the desert.

Once they found Anubis, Anubis spoke "Hello. It's nice to see you again, Khanet." Khanis then was in a gaze. Khanet saw Khanis staring and replied "Hello. Earth to Khanis." She snapped her fingers in his face to get his attention. Khanis shook his head and exclaimed "What? Oh. I'm so sorry, my lord. I hope you can forgive me." Khanis replied. "It's alright. I forgive you. I guess you are so surprised that a god is standing right in front of you that you can't keep your eyes off. Can you, Khanis?" "What? How do you know my name?" Khanis asked Anubis in shock. "Let's just say that I watched over you from the heavens over the years and your sister already told you that. I mean, how do you think I know your sister's name?" Anubis stated. "I don't know." Khanis replied. "Exactly!" Anubis replied back.

"But she never mentioned anything about you knowing my name!" Khanis then declared. "Did she have to tell you?" Anubis asked Khanis. "No." Khanis answered. "Ok then." Anubis exclaimed. "So you said you have something for me?" Khanet asked Anubis. "Yes. I did. Here." Anubis stated as he handed it to Khanet. "What is this?" Khanet asked. "This is an amulet in the shape of the god's symbol:The Ankh. Anubis explained. "What does it do?" Khanet then asked. "It can give you powers that us gods contain, can summon powerful armor for you to wear during battle, it can summon powerful weapons that you can use to fight with in battle, it can give you parts of a god's body like Horus's wings, and it can summon us gods for help." Anubis then explained. "Awesome!" Khanet exclaimed. "Yes. It is awesome." Anubis then stated "One other thing that I have to mention about the battle." "What is it?" Khanet asked.

"My sister, not wife, but my sister, Anput will join in this battle with you and so will I later on. Also, Evil Anput, Evil Anubis's sister, not wife, will be in this battle as well." Anubis explained. "But you assigned only me on this mission." Khanet stated. "Well me and Anput decided to provide you extra protection during the battle, so you don't die right away." Anubis declared. "Ok then." Khanet replied.

"Oh and there's one last thing I have to mention to you." Anubis added. "What is it, my lord?" Khanet then asked Anubis. "I want you to keep my words in mind during battle. What I want you to remember is: Fight with all of your heart. But if you don't, in the end, you will lose in the fight and then die." Anubis replied. He then declared "Remember my words, Khanet." "Ok. Oh thank you, Lord Anubis." Khanet replied while putting her amulet in her bag.

"You are very welcome." Anubis exclaimed. Khanet and Khanis then started to set off towards the location that Evil Anubis and Evil Anput lay dead ahead. "I hope you have safe travels." Anubis shouted. "Thank you, my lord." Khanet thanked once more. "And good luck." Anubis added. "You will need it." Anubis then whispered.

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