Third wheel 2

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Dymond p.o.v
I was in the arcade chillin when someone tapped me

Me: hm

Myra: I see you being a third wheel again

Me: what do you mean

Chris: you always walking behind yo friends

Me: that is not true

Myra: then who you here with

I looked around the room and saw Nahmir

Me: Nahmir

They looked at eachother and started laughing in my face And walked away

Me: I ain't no damn third wheel

I went back playing a game when someone touched me again

Me: If you say I'm a third wheel again I swear to god-

Nahmir: Dymond it's me Nahmir

I turned around to him

Me: oh hey

Nahmir: uh so how-

Me: why everytime we talk you wanna ask bout yo damn brother

Nahmir: well shit you never wanna talk you be busy in them books

Me: well now I'm not

He was baffled at what I was saying

Nahmir: oou Dymond you kinda spicy right now

Me: eww don't say that

Nahmir: so you not being a third wheel today huh

I rolled my eyes

Me: why y'all keep saying that

Nahmir: ay that's what they be calling you at school soo

He went back texting on his phone

I mean their my friends I love being around them

Me: oh
End p.o.v

Nahmir p.o.v
Sitting at a table with Dymond

Me: you keep lookin around and at yo phone why

Dymond: tryna see where they at

Me: girl they probably enjoying they anniversary chill

Dymond: fine but you chill on nyron

Me: I ain't seen that boy for a week

Fuck that little nigga

Dymond: oh

I grabbed her phone

Me: imma give you my number

Dymond: for what I ain't a hoe

Me: you think I got hoes or something

Dymond: I mean your Nahmir duhh

Me: Sksksk if only you knew dym

She took her phone back and walked away from me
End p.o.v

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