Chapter 2

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The carriage ride was long. Grell sat with her head rested on Sebastian’s bicep, hugging his right arm. Sebastian didn't care enough to fight her off. He didn't see the point. Ciel sat across from the two, resting his chin on his hand while he looked out the window. Although he was disgusted by Grell’s presence, he felt at peace. After a long while, they finally reached their destination. Sebastian stood up causing Grell to fall to her side and hit her head on the side of the carriage. She awakened immediately, rubbing her head.

“We’re here, Grell.” Sebastian announced. He was already getting fed up by the presence of the reaper and everyone could tell. Ciel stepped out of the carriage, Sebastian following close behind him, pushing Grell to the back.

“How rude! You always let ladies go first. Where are your manners?” Grell said angrily at sebastian. Sebastian ignored her as always, which, even though she never would admit it, made Grell’s confidence drop a great deal. She never stopped trying, though. She was immortal. She had all of eternity to win Sebastian over and she was determined to do so. A part of her was telling her it was never going to happen though, and that part burned and ached and stung.

They arrived in a small town. It was very beaten and run down with few large houses. The rest were small and hardly in tact. Directly in front of them was an alleyway. The sight of it made even Ciel uneasy. Please don't let us have to go down that horrid alley, Ciel thought.

"Okay, grell. Show us where the soul you collected was" Sebastian said impatiently. He wanted to spend as little time as he could with the reaper. Unfortunately, Grell wasn’t making that an easy task.

“There was more than one. They all sat in the same place.” Grell said as she began walking down the alley, Ciel and Sebastian following close behind. The air smelled of cigars and rum which made the earls stomach turn. The smell reminded him of something that he couldn't quite pinpoint.

They turned down a couple more alleys until they reached a Building. It was the most run down building in the whole area. Bricks crumbling and falling apart, windows boarded up, doors chained shut. What is this building for?, Thought ciel as he curiously paced back and forth in front of the building, examining it up and down. Ciel couldn’t help, but feel uncomfortable in his position.

“Hurry this up” Ciel said impatiently. He wanted.. He needed to get  out of there as fast as he could. Sebastian bowed his head in submission.

“Grell, your death scythe” Sebastian demanded. Grell powered on her chainsaw, raised it far over her head and let out a whale as she ripped through the chain covering the door. They opened it up and revealed a mostly-empty building. A rotting, wooden table sat alone inside as bits of wood and insulation lied on the floor, broken from the ceiling. A small sliver of light penetrating through one of the boards on the single window was the only source of light in the whole building, but it was just enough.

Words graffitied the walls. KILL THE LITTLE BRATS covered the walls, floor to ceiling. All the same handwriting, Sebastian observed. The light shining through the window flickered as if someone had walked by the window.They explored the building for a little while longer and decided there was nothing in there to find. All they knew was that that had to be where the murders were taking place.

Sebastian turned to the door and realized that his young master was no longer behind him. Why is he wandering around considering the circumstances? Sebastian thought, slightly disappointed in Ciel’s decision. He stepped outside and looked around and saw no sign of the young boy. The longer he searched, the less and less he was able to feel Ciel’s presence. Did he fall asleep somewhere? Sebastian thought before jumping to the conclusion that someone had taken him. As he continued to look, he saw something shining in the distance. As he got closer to it, he realized that it was his masters cane.

“Isn’t this Ciel’s sock garter?” Grell said as she lifted the black garter off of the ground. He must have put up quite a fight. Sebastian thought as he studied the piece of fabric. Oh master, it almost seems you enjoy being captured. Sebastian said to himself. Ciel was always getting himself in some sort of trouble. If it wasn’t for sebastian, Ciel wouldn't have made it near as far as he has.

“Come, Grell. We need to make a visit to an old friend.”

More to come :)

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