The Supercellian Beginning- Part One- Supercellism

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So, guys, thanks for wasting more time for reading this part! As the title says, this is how the dominant religion (Supercellism) believes the world started. Note: This is told by an old wise woman telling her twin grandchildren, Naci and Rema, the beginning. You'll see Naci and Rema as adults doing epic stuff later. And DO NOT ask me what they do, as it might be guessable.

Two young children, Naci and Rema, ran into their grandmother's tent to ask the old but wise woman something they couldn't agree on.

The old woman, Asteria, said, "What is ailing you, young ones?"

Rema blurted out, "How did the world start? 'Cuz I think N's wrong,"

Naci said, "Well I think Remmie's wrong"

Asteria pondered for a moment, then responded, "Come little ones. I shall tell you how the gods created the world. In the beginning, there was only an open sea of darkness, and a raft, atop of which were Sup, Erc, and Ell. One moment, Ell decided that he was bored, and as Sup and Erc were sleeping, Ell separated the waters to reveal dry areas. He made the dry areas into the continents: North and South Nacirema, Frozaea, West and East Clashlands, Anteas, and Boomoria."

"He then made the continents different but all equally deadly. He gave Anteas blazing hot deserts without any water, Boomoria terrible storms that flooded, Frozaea freezing blizzards that could kill, the Clashlands high mountains and cold weather, and the Naciremas creatures that could kill when eaten or when they attack in defense. At this time, Sup and Erc awoke. At first Erc was enraged, but Sup calmed Erc. She immediately set about giving the continents special blessings to counteract the deadly attributes of Ell's creations. She gave the Clashlands many woods to hunt and live in, the Naciremas their many resources, Frozaea much Elixir Ley Lines, and Anteas and Boomoria many jungles full of useful medicines and foods to eat."

"She then placed creatures on the world, and gave the world light with Suuna'a and Taki, and also Zano and Naru. She then let Erc help by having Erc give the creatures special abilities. ERc gave dragons the ability to fly and breath their destructive weapons, giants great strength, goblins their great speed, and many more. But by the time Erc got to humans, it had run out of ideas. This left humans weak and without any ability to stay alive on Supercellia's harsh environment. But Sup found out, and swiftly gave them blessing."

"She gave them more intelligence than even goblins, and also taller and stronger than goblins. She then gave them the most amazing gift of all: the gift of fire, which, when controlled, can warm, cook, and give light to those who could control it.

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