I opened my eyes again, for real this time realising i must have fallen asleep in the portal, but now I got woken up by something tickeling my feets, I looked at them and saw it was some green small straws thoutching my feet, I looked around me and saw the same straws was everywhere, I have never seen something like this before, in the deamon world the whole ground is made of sharp rocks and dirty mud that hurt your feet really bad if you walk on it , even if we always fly, , the ground in our world scared me, especyally cause there is so manny deamons being impaled by the sharp rocks cause their wings can't handle to mutch preassure so they fall to their deaths! I hate to think that someday i might die, even if I as a Deamon have no soul and are domed to live forever in my human body The King can still take this life away from me and then there will be nothing left of me...I think of how close it was for my endless life to end but I got speared, My life got speared I shoulld be happy but I'm not cause I got banished!, I have no problem going away from my world cause I didn't fit in there anyway, I had No friends and basiclly got locked in my room ever since my human death and I arived in Hell but still, Why this world?!, Why the angels! they are gonna tear me apart if they find out what I am! In my thought I realised I have forgoten to Hide my wings, I pull them in my body wich turn them into a small tatto on my back wich i have covered up with some clothes, Now I look human again wich some of the angels are supposed to do to, in the storys it says "You can't trust anyone keeping their wings hiden, it might be an angel trying to fool you into their land of torture" Wich is abit funny cause as i have a look around this land dosn't seem dangourous and torturus like all the storys say, nothing like i imagined it to be, it actually quiet beautiful up here, But that's just a way for the angels to trick us, I won't buy it! right in that moment i looked up in the sky to see a big bright ball shining at me, Its Light, i realise everything is light, It makes me happy, after all these years of darknes I finally see a big bright light in the free sky, I can fly as mutch i want, wherever i want, I wanna fly into that light so baddly but as my father once said "You can't trust anything or anyone in the angel world, it will allways end up In being Captured by them and after that, who knows what happens?!" It makes me scared, might these Green straws getting stuck on my feet be something that later will be my doom?, I can't fly wich mean I won't be able to avoid it anyway so for now i hope for the best and leav it be...I took deep breath, turned aroun and suddanly saw that big building called angel school where I will be speanding the rest of my life or atleast untill i proven myself for the king, it's a place everybody will hate me if they find out who I'm, but with that said I take small steps on forwards untill i get to the school.  

Leons Pro: I was in the schools corridor talking to Maxi and Federico when suddenly a Girl walked thru the door, everybody turned to her and watched her closely as she walked slowely in the corridor with fear in her eyes, she didn't face anyone clearly cause she is new and nobody had seen her before, but still she looked kinda cute, I smiled. Maxi and Federico Try wake me up from my thoughts "Leon?...Leon?...eeh...Leon?...You're staring!" Ops!!!, "Sorry" they both gave me a weird look "Don't tell us you're sorry, tell her" I got comfused "Did she even see I was stearing at her?" The question game continued and maxi asked "Why did you even stear at her in the first place?" That is obvious cause everybody else did to i told him but to my suprice Maxi told me I was the only one who did..."Wait?! did I made that up in my mind?, everybody stearing at her?" Maxi told me "obviouslly! " I started blush as maxi continued his sentence "...and we all could clearly see that she was uncomfterbal when she saw you looking at her so you shoulld go to her and apollegize right away!" My whole mind is blown, what is wrrong with me? how could i made that up? why did i made that up?!..."I need to apolegize right away, see you guys later" I said and start going to the principal room cause I'm sure it's there she went.                                

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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