C h a p t e r - t w o

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- H a l l o w s - e v e  N i g h t-

     Y/n's Pov


     The clock strikes ten and the fun begins. I glance around for Sam, not seeing him. I wearily look around, seeing a shadow in the distance.

     "Sammy?" I ask out loud, obviously directed towards the figure. Then, it hit me. This isn't Sam. He is shorter. A lot shorter. This... Person had to be at least 6'2, while Sam was a whopping 4'3.

     I break eye contact and look beside me, behind me, and in front of me. I look back to where it was and... They were gone... Panic arose within my chest as i quickly look around. Quiet footsteps echo within the large field. Too loud to be Sam...

    Stomp! Stomp!

Then a small break

Stomp! Stomp!

    It sounded like everything was in my mind. My back was turned towards the field.
"S-Sam!" I yell out before bolting towards the road.
Footsteps follow quickly behind but I don't look back.
I feel a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around. I let out a scream and cover my face, waiting for impact. Nothing.
I feel a hand- the same hand remove my arms from in front of my face.


    I sign out of relief. He tilts his head ever so slightly and I wave it off, "its nothing..." He doesn't move. I sigh and compose myself before gently grabbing his arm and pulling him to a neighbor hood of kids, teenagers, and adults of all ages.

     I look at him and we both nod.

     "Stick together... We don't know what is lurking with us.."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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