Tears began to form in Momo's eyes and she looked down, not wanting the man to see her crying. It was no use, though. The man heard her sniff as she began to wipe her tears.

"Okay..." she quietly said as she turned around. "Why are all you humans like this? Even when we try to be kind to you, we continue to be rejected and hated."

She began to walk away from the man, disappointed that he would treat her like that even after helping him.

Even though she is a vampire, I can't help but feel bad for her. She did go out of her way to save me after all. The man thought to himself.

"Wait," he called out. Momo stopped walking and turned to face the man. "My name is Todoroki," he told her.

Momo smiled. This was the first time a mortal had ever introduced itself to her. "Nice to meet you, Todoroki," she replied. "You can call me Momo."

"Momo? I like that name."

Momo blushed, unsure why the human was acting so nice to her all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Todoroki said. Momo's lips slightly parted, hearing sincerity in Todoroki's apology. "I didn't know you vampires had feelings..."

"I-I understand how you feel. To be fair, I don't think they have feelings either."

Todoroki furrowed his brows in confusion. "What? Aren't you a vampire yourself?"

"Yes, I am, but I'm different from most other vampires. While it is necessary for us to feed from humans to survive, I don't like inflicting pain on others. It makes me sick to my stomach."

"Oh... I didn't know that... I'm sorry..."

"I really should be going. If any of the other vampires see me talking to you, they'll kill me."

"No, don't go. I want to know more about you."

"There's nothing else to know."

"Of course there is. How about what kind of person you were before you were turned?"

Momo froze in place, the memories of her human life playing in her head like a broken record. She truly missed being a human, but there was nothing she could do about it.

"I don't wanna talk about it," she told Todoroki as she turned around again. "It was nice meeting you, Todoroki. Unfortunately, this might be the last time we'll ever see each other."

"It doesn't have to be," Todoroki tells her. "Can't we be friends?"

"You're a human, Todoroki. I'm a vampire. We can't be friends."

Todoroki stepped up behind Momo. "Yes, we can. Who cares what other people or vampires think. I like you, Momo. You seem interesting to me and I want to get to know you better."

"Why are you being so damn nice to me anyway? You literally called me a heartless monster not too long ago."

"I said I was sorry, Momo. I thought all vampires were the same. I didn't think you would get your feelings hurt..."

Little to Todoroki's knowledge, Momo was heavily blushing over how much Todoroki wanted to be her friend. It had been a while since she had a conversation this long and she wanted to savor every moment of it. She was playing hard to get to test Todoroki's commitment and if he truly meant everything he was saying.

He passed.

"Here, I'll make it up to you," Todoroki said. "How about I take you out to eat tomorrow?"

"What are all the people going to think, though?" Momo asked him.

"I don't care what they think. If they have a problem with us, we can leave and just eat at my place..."

Momo turned to face Todoroki and flashed a wide grin, revealing her bright white teeth. "Then I guess that sounds great, Todoroki. I'd love to."

Todoroki smiled a bit. "G-Great! Um, I'll... pick you up at eight?"

Momo smirked as she walked up to Todoroki. She cupped Todoroki's warm face in her cold hands and brought her lips to his. Surprised and not knowing what else to do, Todoroki kissed back and placed his hands on Momo's hips. After a few seconds, the kiss began to get more intense. Todoroki brushed his tongue against Momo's lips and she opened them up, allowing him access inside. He moved his tongue as he pleased, tasting every last bit of Momo's mouth as Momo began to use her tongue as well. She then pulled away from the kiss and gazed into Todoroki's heterochromatic eyes.

"I'll be waiting for you in this spot, Todoroki," Momo playfully told him.

"R-Right," Todoroki replied.

Momo giggled and began to walk away. Todoroki couldn't help but get turned on by the way Momo's hips swayed as she walked. He quickly looked away from her and began to scratch the back of his head, still in a shock from the sudden kiss.

"Why did she kiss me?" he asked out loud. He felt a throbbing in his pants and lightly rubbed over the bulge to relieve himself a bit. He quickly removes his hand from his hardened groin. "What am I doing? She's a vampire, Shouto. Why are you even feeling this way right now? Are you sure you can trust her?"

Todoroki looked down at his watch. "1:32..." he mumbled. "I better get going before it gets too late. Tch. As if it's not already late enough..." He began to walk away himself, staring up the starry black sky with a particular vampire on his mind. He smiled as he thought about her.

"Momo... that's such a cute name..."

"What the hell was that?" a short pale woman asked out loud. She had been watching Todoroki and Momo from the top of a building. "What the fuck does she think she's doing?"

Blood Lust: Reverse AUWhere stories live. Discover now