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Symbols have meanings. Some more powerful than others. In this chapter of Damien's guide to Omens and Curses, we will be discussing the meaning of flesh symbols. Specifically, eyes.

We will start with the GOD's eye. The GOD's eye will protect the host from soul binding, or as some call it fusing. This means that if the host has defaced themselves with the GOD's eye symbol, binding souls with others will become a painful experience. However, there are specific souls that the host will still be able to bind with. This will take us two a divine entity known simply as, Fear.

Fear plays a large part in our lives, but it is not the human emotion of fear that I am referring to. In this case I am talking about the god Fear. The god Fear, was at one point a singular entity. He was worshiped around 1500AC but could have been worshiped for much longer. There are no surviving sculptures or paintings of this devine god, but a recreation of the entity has been created by a high school freshman named Alice Wise. Wise used descriptive text, mostly written in Latin, to recreate the entity. The statue was later recreated again by one of her three sons.

During the war of Angels in 1515ac, the people of Vircel, a small town in southern Italy, had begun to see through Fear's manipulative tendencies. Fear had constantly demanded that the weak, sick, and elderly be brought to his shrine. He had offered them safe passage into heaven. People had agreed, bringing the sick, weak, and elderly to him. One day while bringing him a child that had fallen ill, the people saw him devouring the body of an elderly man they had brought him early the same day. The people took it upon themselves to banish Fear from existence completely. After many failed attempts to banish Fear, the people began to lose hope.

In 1564ac the goddess Char approached the town counsel offering to help banish Fear. They agreed and led her to his shrine. This would mark the beginning of the 667 day war, although it wasn't a war as much as it was a battle of power. On the 668th day, people gathered around Fear's shrine excited to see Fear had been impaled by Char's mighty spear. She split Fear's body into three pieces, creating three separate beings from the pieces.

The first being was a lesser god known from 1564ac to 1657ac as the Lying Snake god. He was later renamed to Deceit the god of the two headed snake. The only evidence of Deceit being worshiped by anyone is a tapestry depicting a half man half snake sitting on a throne of thorns, a giant two headed snake wrapped around the base of the throne.

The second was the goddess Paranoia. Three years after Paranoia's existence, Deceit killed her, splitting her into two lesser beings, one named Tick and the other an angel, soon became one of the two fallen angels of Anxieties court.

The third being was a human who's name was never recorded, but researchers think that the third was the first Wise in history, starting of the legacy of the artisan family. Writings suggest that the human may have become an angel in Anxieties court, later falling with Tick and the other angel.

The GOD's eye symbol is a simple eye that is to be carved into the skin. Fear's body had been riddled with the purple and yellow GOD's eye scars. The only other property the GOD's eye symbol gives to the host, is protection from demon spells.

a cult? 

yea I made a cult


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