Chapter 1 (i'm not good at names)

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Hi! My name is Alexandra Collins! I'm a teenage girl that likes to draw and animate. Nothing special. I also really love anime, my favourite one is "saiki kusuo no psi nan". Or maybe you prefer to call it "the disastrous life of saiki kusuo". I'm also British, but I don't think it's that important. Well, that was an intro so... Let's get on with the story!

It was late night. Around 3 pm. I was sitting in my room and reading TDLoSK (The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo) manga. My eyes were hurting and my brain was begging me to go to sleep but I couldn't get my eyes off of my phone. Finally, my sleepiness managed to win over my stupidity and I fell asleep letting my phone from my hand.

The last thing I remember is this little machine collapsing to the ground and breaking, but somehow I couldn't snap out of the trans and pick it up. Then I just passed out.


Dark. A bit lighter. SUPER BRIGHT


"Alex-chan!~ It's time to wake up!" I heard a familiar voice but... More... Anime-like?"

"Sis, is that you? If yes, are you mocking me again? Why is your voice so anime and... WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL ME ALEX-CHAN?!" I yelled, confused, rubbing my eyes.

"Anime? You know I don't like it. Even though we're in Japan.."

"JAPAN?! – I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom just to see myself in the mirror."

I couldn't believe in what I saw. I LOOKED LIKE AN ANIME GIRL! No.. I WAS AN ANIME GIRL! And... Is this... SAIKI KUSUO NO PSI-NAN STYLE?! In all of the sudden I started getting flashbacks from my anime life with my family.

'Seems like we moved to japan two months ago. In the beginning of vacation. So today's the first day of school. Okay Alex, collect yourself. You can't act suspicious. If you told them no one would believe you anyway.' I thought.

"Oh right. Sorry, I still can't get used to it. – I sighed in relief. – Do you know what's for breakfast today?" I glanced over my brown-haired sister.

"Yeah, mum made us some pancakes! And guess what you got for lunch?~"

"Rice balls and coffee jelly?" – I asked with excitement and hope in my eyes.

"Yes!~ Oh! And don't forget to change your current controllers to the new ones! We don't want our house floating again!" – Beatrice chuckled.

'Wait up... SO IM A PSYCHIC? Well, that's... Quite surprising I could say.'

- Okay! I'll make sure to remember! – I smiled with excitement.

As I did that she walked outside of my room. I decided to dress up in my uniform and study my new features. I would get to know my powers after school. I didn't think about it earlier but I think I should try to befriend Kusuo. It'd be nice to actually talk to my HUSBANDO.

'I should stop using this term. For me it's not anime anymore. Man, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM.' I thought.


So now I was walking to school and guess what. It's PK academy!! I was so glad I got to be in an anime... or at least dream about it. 'DUH, sure I am. Don't even have to say it' I corrected myself and continued walking do school.

Suddenly I felt a very strong wind destroying my brown, curly pigtails and... 'Oh no.' I thought grabbing my controller-bows trying to make them not fall off.

Unfortunately I couldn't. One of them fell off and collapsed the ground as I froze in place remembering that one wrong move could destroy the whole road. I stood there in silence and watched people walk by. 'Wait is this..' I thought as I saw familiar pink hair.

'he's gonna know 'bout my powers anyway sooo..'

I wanted to speak with my mind but I stopped myself knowing what it would affect in.

"Hey you! Umm.. Pink-haired boy." I pretty much yelled.

"What do you want" he asked kinda rudely but I feel him so I forgave him that.

"C-could you pass me my b-bow...? I-I can't m-move." Well it was kind of true. I couldn't move.

"No." u n f o r g i v a b l e

"W h a t   d i d   y o u   s a y?" I asked with that stone face scary expression. This was driving me mad, and I was starting to get a headache from hearing all the thoughts.

"I said n o" he did the same expression. I can't with this dude.

"I    t h i n k   I   d i d n ' t h e a r   y o u , c o u l d   y o u   r e p e a t ?"

"Good grief. Whatever." Finally. He picked my hair accessory up and waited for me to take it. Unfortunately I couldn't.

"Eh... C-can you also put it in my hair...?" my social anxiety woke up again. He didn't say anything, just did it with a freaked out expression. I finally could move. I straightened myself to a proud position and turned to face him since he was still around.

"I'm so sorry for this. I promise to try to keep it from happening again. Please accept my apology and don't tell anyone about it." I said in an official manner and nodded apologetically.

"Are these your controllers?" he asked.

I f r o z e.


A/N: Sorry for making it short. It's like two pages in word hehe

/For You It's Just An Anime/ Saiki K x OC \(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now