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jaemin was trembling all over. he had never tried going out of his comfort zone before.

the day has finally come where he has to start campaigning along with this partylist members. they were tasked to enter each room in the high school building and they had the whole school day to accomplish this. most of his teammates were seniors and the only person he knew was donghyuck - who ran for the position of public information officer. donghyuck is in the same grade level as him and they were considered the youngest in the team.

the chairman who's tasked to count the votes for the elections instructed the 'nct' team to set foot on the grade 7 room. they lined accordingly in front of the door of the said room.

due to jaemin's palpitating, he unexpectedly spoke his thoughts, "I'm nervous"

the person behind him responded with the sweetest voice jaemin had ever heard, "don't worry, I know you will do great out there"

jaemin saw the smile that came after renjun encouraged him. he took the compliment into heart and took deep breaths to calm himself down.

the door opened, "next we have nct's auditor"

"hello everyone! I am na jaemin running for the position of auditor. if you are uncertain of voting for me, know that I would affirm my obligations and do my hardest to be the auditor that you deserve," he said proudly.

though the people before and after him were very energetic, he chose to speak formally. he knows that if he acted humorous, no one would react. so he played it safe and introduced himself with the widest smile.

"and we are," they clapped twice, "nct~ goodbye! vote wisely"

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