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This is a comic based off of one of my favorite books on this app! This is a Cuphead fan fiction called "Right Hand Man" by Fairyz15. I have been obsessed with this story since I first luckily stumbled upon it, and it has inspired me to write and draw. My other story on my page at the moment takes inspiration from it and other stories, so if you've read both stories then you may see the resemblance! The picture you see in the title was something I drew after I had finished the series (I promise I have improved in skill) and I wanted desperately to either animate this series, which I hope I have the time to do soon in the future, make art for it, or make a comic! So I finally got the courage to ask the author if we could make this happen, and if you're reading this, then that means that I will do everything in my power to make a new adaptation of the story that you and I love. This collab will be worth the read, I promise. Some details on the story, this will be for more mature audiences, this story includes things like rape, abuse, pain, control, and a few smut chapters that I am debating how much detail I should put into. This is also based on the ship of the two main antagonists of the game, King Dice and Devil, who are both men, so if you don't agree with homosexual pairing, this may not be the right series for you. If you haven't read the series yet, I strongly suggest that you do! It's right here on Wattpad and it's free to read! The next few chapters will be of sketches, ideas, or practice, and there will probably be versions of the on-paper version of the comic and I plan to make most of them digital too. So if there is a double update you know why. There may or may not be cursing, I'm not usually one to write or say curse words, so if that adds to the comedy or drama of some situations to you, I apologize. I will be making this as close as possible to the original story though, so if you're looking for that, you're in luck! The style may change throughout the story, I am one to change styles frequently, the characters may look slightly different from panel to panel, but all in all I'm hoping it will still be considered "good art". Anyway, without further adue...... I hope you enjoy "Right Hand Man".  
                                                                                                                                          ~Sydney M.

Right Hand Man Comic (King Dice x Devil)Where stories live. Discover now