Laters, babe

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It was 8 in the morning when a funny noise woke me *Rock my world into the sunlight, make this dream the best I've ever known* "That's not a text message, that's a phone call," my subconscious was trying to tell me and urging me to get up. Must be work. *Take me down like I'm a domino* "Where is that fricking thing?", I whispered. Surely the two sleepyheads are still in bed. Ah! There it is! *Missed Call - Blocked (2)* Who on earth will call me this early? Well I can't be bothered calling them b--- *Rock my world into the--* "Blocked*

"Hello, Chrissie speaking," I said with the most normal voice I can muster in an early morning as I picked up the phone.

"Even on the phone you sound so beautiful", a very delicious and familiar voice on the other line said.

"D-Do.. M-May I know who this is?", I said, utterly confused but already knowing who it was.

"Oh, sorry Chris. I was just blown away by your voice I forgot my manners. It's, uh, Trent. Trent Bell?"

Sweet Bejesus! I felt my heart leap from my chest. "Excuse me while I slap myself across the face and make sure I'm not dreaming", I said in a monotone. *Slap* "Ow, OK not dreaming then. Sorry for my manners. Heh~ Goodmorning, Trent," I said, very nonchalant.

"Good morning beautiful! You didn't have to hurt yourself. Did I wake you?", he said, sounding concerned.

"Well, maybe you did but if this is a wake up call, I'd be ready to wake up any time of the day to hear this voice!", I said, my voice ascending.

"Ha ha. You crack me up. Hey, where were you headed to yesterday?", he asked.

"I'm in Brissy at the moment. Why'd you ask?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just... you know, curious."

"Right. So how are you? Sorry, I'm freaking out a little right here, excuse my stutters."

"No, you're fine. I'm good. How was your sleep? Sorry if I called you really early."

"Please, that's not a problem at all. It was OK, I guess. Although, I have to admit, the futon made my back hurt a wee bit."

The conversation went on for about another 20 minutes when finally Annie walked out to the lounge where I slept.

"Is that work?", she mouthed.

"No... hang on", I mouthed back. "Hey Trent -" I looked at Annie with a smug. I could swear I saw her ocean blue eyes almost disappearing from her pupil dilating "Listen, I'd like to, love to, keep talking but my friend's awake and we need to have breakfast soon. Talk to you later?", I continued.

"You definitely will. Hey before I let you go, can I ask you something?", he said.

"Sure, anything. Just not maths, I gave that up quite a while ago."

He laughed. I'm doing a very good job at making him laugh with my lame and cheesy jokes. My inner goddess is doing pas de bourrées while wearing her powder blue tutu. "I was wondering. Are you, uhm, seeing anyone? Or are you single? Mmmaried?"

"You sure know how to make a conversation, Mr Bell-", I said, and I heard him laugh nervously. Oh my my my. "Just because you asked, I am single. Recently dumped my ex for being a douchebag. Long story - another time. Why'd you ask?"

"No-nothing. Just... cur-curious." He said, now stuttering.

"Maybe it's a long story as well hey? Another time?"

"Come on Trent. Shuttle's here", I heard a familiar voice distant from his side of the line.

"Yes, another time. We need to rehearse now as well. Take care lovely! Talk to you later!"

"'Bye sexy" and I hung up.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" was all Annie and I managed to come up with as soon as the call was finished. A conversation with Trent Bell. 22 minutes and 54 seconds. It only existed in my dreams. With the yells reaching its maximum decibel, Hanna woke up, "What's going on?" she said sleepily. I told the story to both of them over breakfast and coffee. Most amazing time of my life.

The three of us decided to make the day out of it. We decided to go to Queen St Mall for some shopping. After hours and hours of walking and burning cash, we decided to trail back home. It has been a long day. By the time we got home it was already 4pm.

*Phone vibrates* Good timing, I thought.

"Trent Bell <3: This might seem a little creepy but I can't get you out of my head. We're singing this song on Monday. Ronan has this idea of some girls dancing around us. How I wish it's you that I'll dance with : )"

My heart smiled. I rolled all my courage up in a ball and replied, "Such a sweetie. And I agree, that's creepy LOL i kid. Focus on rehearsals. Australia doesn't want you falling off the stage ;) x"

*Phone vibrates* "Trent Bell <3: You're right hey. When do you get back to Sydney?"

"I get back the day after tomorrow. So Sunday morning."

"Trent Bell <3: Is anyone picking you up at the airport? Will you be with your friend?"

"Yes, and yes. Annie's boyfriend's picking us up, which is convenient."

"Trent Bell <3: Do you mind if I pick you up at the airport instead and let your friend have some alone time with the boyfriend? You know, just for me to sound creepier."

"LOL that's not creepy, Trent. That's crazy! It would be an offer I won't resist. We land in Sydney at 1 in the afternoon."

"Trent Bell <3: So what do think about lunch after I pick you up, then?"

"Very smooth, Mr Bell. Very smooth. Is this you asking me for a date?"

"Trent Bell <3: Maybe. Hey gotta get back to rehearsals now. Please tell me your answer before the day ends. I'd like to get to know you better. I'll send you a text tonight. Laters, babe."

Laters, babe. Laters, babe. LATERS, BABE! What is this, my own, personal Christian Grey minus the dominance ?!

"I'd love to go to lunch with you. And sure. Laters! xo"

And now we wait. We fricking wait. Two days can't come any sooner!

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