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He opened the wardrobe looking for his best shirt ever. After being dressed up in the way he thought was best and fashionable, he went and took a taxi to his destination. After arriving at the venue, he glanced at the long queue of people, came for the audition. After waiting for, what seemed like centuries, he went inside the auditorium. 

Entering inside and standing on stage, it seemed like the whole world spinning in front of him. The audience went quiet, and one of the judges picked up the mic,"So, what's you're name?". It took all of his courage to answer "I'm Burhan".What's you gonna sing for us today Burhan?" One of the judges asked. He answered the song name"Scenery by Kim Taehyung" and started singing,after getting the signal from judges. 

He closed his eyes , imagining a beautiful scenery and sand the song in his soulful voice.He sang each word from his soul, each verse by his heart and at the end of the song, his eyes were glistening with the tears which came with the beauty of this song. He finished his song and saw the judges and audiance in front of him with a nervous expression. The judges praised him and gave him the pass.

He was so happy, it was like a dream come true. When he returned to his city, he saw his friends , family and neighbors standing to welcome him. It flutters his heart. His family , 3 sisters and 1 older brother along with still young and stunning mother, were so happy to for him to be selected except for his father.He was quiet the whole time when Burhan was enjoying and celebrating with his friends.

When all of them went home at night and his siblings slept, he sneaked out to his parents room.Knocking the door, he stepped in. "Assalam O Alaikum , Abu Jan(dad)". His father smiled and motioned him to sit on bed next to him. While his mother, knowing the son wants to have some private conversation with his beloved father, left the room.

"Abu Jan , I wanted to ask? are you? Are you not happy of what I'm becoming?" He asked while his father had an unreadable expression on his face."What are you becoming?" He asked and Burhan was left off guard by the counter question. "You know! I auditioned for the singing and got selected!" He said , his voice filled with desperation and frustration which he didn't even bother to hide.

"Son, look, it's just the first round, you have to go through a lot to become what you want to." His father replied in calm tone."Becoming what you want to, no matter what it is, always takes a lot of hardwork and courage. You're my son and being a responsible father, I want my children to be successful in every field of life but when it comes to the field like this, the Showbiz, don't you think I would be more worried than happy?".

Burhan had an unsure and confused expression on his face. His father continued "I never forced my will upon you and your other siblings, I always let you be whatever you and your siblings wanted to but this time I think the path you're choosing will affect your life drastically."

"Abu , I don't understand, you were fine when I told you I'm going to audition. You even appreciated my voice and talent of singing but why all of a sudden you're being so insecure?"

"Look Burhan, it's FAME, that's I'm scared of. Fame and Money is something everybeing crave for but these two things are too difficult to handle. The person having them destroys its life itself."

"I got it Abu, you're afraid that the fame and money will spoil me, but I promise I will never let it do it. And it's still the start of my journey , what if i never get to that level of fame, even though I want to be the best singer of the world, either I become or not, I promise I will never forget my values . I know you brought me up so well, I promise i'll never ruin what you have made me so far." He assured his father, he smiled in return and pat on his shoulder.

One week later, he had to head to the Lahore, at audition site again. He had a great luggage with him because this time he ain't returning until he win the audition and sign an album contract with one of the biggest producers of Pakistan. All the selection had been done and now, the battle between contestants was about to start. 

He arrived at his hotel, where he was staying temporarily. Having a shower and changing into new dress, he took a taxi to audition site. The huge building looked so splendid from a far. There was a huge crowd gathered at the entrance and these were the selected contestants. He entered with them and they all were leaded to the waiting room. He sat down , observing the surroundings. Boys and Girls of all types, shy and introverts, bold and brave, some had nervousness all over their faces and some had so much confident that it was all over the place.

There were total of 1000 people selected form over 24 cities of Pakistan. It amuses Burhan to see these verity and diversity of fashion and languages, even though all of them were using URDU(national language of Pakistan) but their accents were very amusing to him.He didn't talk to anyone and just sat in a corner, observing and wondering that Pakistan is really diverse in terms of its people and culture.

The time of auditioning came and here came the period of long waiting again. Out of 1000, they could only take the audition of 200 and 10 out of them were selected. Burhan was put into the waiting list and he had to come the next day again to give his audition.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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