"Do you want to have a drink?" she only blinked her eyes at me. "Don't worry, it's my treat. Come on." I held out my hand to her and she hesitated to take it and I know why.

I kneeled in front of her and her eyes never left mine. "I'm Y/n. And I really like children, but I don't like seeing them cry. So I'm treating you to make you feel better. How's that sound?"

She sniffed before nodding slightly. I offered her my hand once again and she finally took it. I smiled at her before standing up and walking inside the cafe, with the little girl holding onto my hand as if her life depended on it.

I made her choose what drink she wanted and told her to wait in a table so I could buy our drinks. Soon after getting our orders, I went to the table where she was waiting. She's still crying but her sobs had softened but tears still continued streaming down her face.

"So what is your name, little one?" I asked as I placed her drink in front of her.

She sniffed twice before answering me with shaky voice. "I-I'm Cheonsa."

"Wow, what a nice name. It means 'angel'" I smiled at her and reached for her hair to stroke it. She seemed to like what I did as her soft sobs had stopped but there still are tears coming out from her eyes, seemingly unstoppable. "But why are you crying, Cheonsa?"

She wiped her tears using the sleeve of the coat she was wearing before sipping into the drink I had ordered for her. Then she spoke. "T-today, my daddy and I got into a fight. Daddy never got mad to me like that and I was surprised that made me angry at him. Before leaving for school he told me "I love you, Cheonsa." And I yelled back a loud "I hate you!" At him and slammed the door closed."

Seems like the scenes had flashed back her mind when she started crying again. "The last words he told me is that he loves me, and the last words I told him is that I hate him. My daddy got into an accident earlier this morning shortly after I left and he immediately passed away after a drugged driver hit him with his car." Cheonsa sobbed even harder that the other customers inside the shop started to look at us. "At first I didn't understand why he was angry at me, I just realized that he scolded me because he only wanted me to be safe. But I didn't want him to stop me from doing what I wanted and got angry at him instead."

Then it suddenly felt like someone knocked me on the head. Baekhyun only wanted me to be safe and I misunderstood him by thinking that he is just jealous of Taeyong.

Cheonsa placed her hand on mine and she looked at me with pleading eyes. "When you have a fight with the one you love, may it be your father or boyfriend, please don't end the day with hate and anger. Don't end a conversation with 'I hate you' and fix the problem before the day ends. Because we don't know when is the last time we spend time with the one who's special to us."

I was about to open my mouth to speak when someone suddenly approached our table and quickly hugged Cheonsa.

"Where have you been, Cheonsa? We've been so worried. Don't run away like that again, okay?" a woman said, presumably her mother.

Then another 5 people had crowded our table and embraced the little girl. I heard my phone ringing so I quietly slid away from my seat so I don't have to ruin their moment and then I made my way towards the comfort room.

Once I was inside, I immediately answered the call from Baekhyun.

"Baby, where are yo-"

Before Baekhyun could finish what he was about to ask, I heard a loud honk, followed by a screech that I assume is coming from a car and then a shaky sound as if the phone fell from Baekhyun's hand. My heart started to beat so fast when I heard a groan shortly after. A groan that one could tell that it's coming from someone who's hurt so bad.

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