Cold and wet, tired and exhausted  she made her way along the path through the forest, until she came upon a castle.

Six narrow  square  towers reach twice the height of the next tallest building in this elegant  castle and are connected  by huge thick walls made of silver stone.
Stylish windows  are scattered  here and there  across  the  walls in a seemingly  rando  pattern, along with huge crenelations for arches and artillery.
Avaste gate  with colossal  wooden doors, a regular  bridge and strong defences protects those in need of and in this rough mountain  pass, but it's not  the only way in, but it'll be your best shot if you wish to conquer this castle.

In the corner  of her eye, Katalina  spotted her mystery man making a dash towards the castle.
Following  close behind him, she entered  the castle to find herself  standing  in a well lite ballroom.
She took a quick glance around the room, but the mystery  man was no- where to be seen.

Venturing further on through the corridor of the castle, Katalina  heard a loud clanging noise.
Following  the sound, it lead her to the Alchemy room.
As she stepped into the room, she felt a cold chill up her spine.... she wasn't  alone.

"Run Katalina,  RUN!" she heard.

Hightailing out of the room,  she ran through the corridor  and out of the castle.
She had no idea what she was running from and she didn't  wish to know, she just legged it and never looked back.

She felt something  tugging on her dress.

Bolting upright in her bed, Katalina  let out one hell of a scream.
Kova came running to see what all the promotion  was about..... But when he saw the pale look on his sister's  face, he went to comfort her and reassured her it was nothing but a bad dream.

"A bad dream, but why did it feel so real and what on earth was chasing me," she thought as she laid back down, closed her eyes and  drifted back to sleep.

In the morning the sun seemed to be basking in it's own  rays.  It havered over the horizon  and bright fuschia and apricot  collided  with the deep blue sky.

Crawling  out of bed, Katalina  went had a shower and quickly  got changed  into a simple suit, a pair of short- laced up boots with heels in white, red, dark purple and silver.  She tied her back in a french twist, applied  a touch of lip gloss, then moseyed on down town to catch up with Dayana.

She spotted Dayana  sitting under the Maple tree,  deep in thought. As Katalina  approached her,  she called out to her that she could hear the cods turning.

Dayana  just laughed and told her she was thinking about the old  house up on Shadebell street.
"According  to Romilly and Zerenity,  mysterious  things have been happening  up there... like lights turning on  when no-one lives there.
So my question is - Are you up for an adventure. "

Katalina  stared at her, gave it a thought and said," That is a terrible,  horrible,  incredibly  foolish idea. Let's  do it and see what happens. "

Off they totttered to check the old house out.

The house must have been little more than glorified  shed even in it's  hey day. But now it looked for all the world like a giant  has sat on the roof, for it sagged terribly.  The window's were gaping holes for the wind to rush in and out through and the door hung on it's  hinges at a jaunty angle, although now it was really just a frame.  It was a rotting  heap, bowing down, subservient  to the elephants.

Both Katalina and Dayana  shuffled into the room.
The room was damp,cold and wet. The soft patter of water on metal increased. Almost like the sound of bullet rain. They started at the ceiling, they could hear it moaning under the weight of the rain. Small droplets begin to slide through the metal sheets...leaking.

As they wondered further through the house, they came to a room at the very back of the house. Dayana  tried to peek through the window, but the rotting boards blocked her view. She pushed open the door and it swung open with the loud creak of rusty hinges. As she stepped into the room, she ran her fingers over wallpaper peeling away from the drywall.

But what really caught herveye, was what appeared to be some sort of set up for someone to camp out.
In the corner  of the room stood a lantern,  something that resumble a pillow, a blanket and a dagger.

Handing it over to Katalina,  she examined  it closely  and was gobsmacked  by her discovery.

"You won't  believe  this, but I've  actually  seen this dagger before in the dream i had last night. But how's  that even possible  and how the bloody hell did it end up here in this old house?"

Dayana  stopped dead in her tracks, spun to face Katalina  and gave her that look as if to say," Why didn't  you mention  anything  before about it."

Katalina  looked at her, shrugged her shoulders  and said there wasn't  much to tell, accept for the mystery man calling out her name and the dagger which she still held in her hand.

"Wait up... he knew your name! Hows that even possible  when you've  never ever met?" Dayana  asked.

Katalina  gave ber that look as if to say Dunno.
She was just as shocked as Dayana.
  No matter how many times she'd  tried peicing  things together, she always came up empty  handed.

Nothing made any sense... her dream, the mystery man, the castle and the bloody dagger; which she still held in her hand.

The sound of a creaking  floor board made Dayana  jump. "Did you hear that?"
Taking no chances, Katalina  dropped the dagger she was holding and bolted out of that big old house, with Dayana  hightailing it right behind her.

Once they were far enough away from the house, they bothvtook a minute to catch there breath.

Dayana  looked at her friend and asked , "Where's  your shoe?"
" The GIANT MUD puddle down the road demanded a sacrifice," she answered.

Dayana  looked at her puzzling, than all of a sudden she bursted out laughing.
"I guess that kinda explains everything  Romilly and Zerenity  told me about this big old house," Dayana told her.

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