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Harry is wandering around the class while his students are coloring and drawing. He so far feels confident with himself and his teaching skills.

He asked his students to draw their favorite animals, and everyone seemed to be excited about it. He smiles when he sees his students drawing passionately and happily.

Everything is going smoothly until he heard one of the student shouts.

"Eric, stop copying my drawing! Get your own animal!" he heard a boy shouts from the corner.

Harry approaches the boys who are fighting about the drawing.

"Hello there. Is everything alright here?" Harry asked slowly, his eyes are glancing between the two boys.

"Eric keeps copying my drawing! When I draw a cat, he draws a cat too, when I draw an elephant, he draws an elephant as well!" the boy shouts and crosses his hands around his body.

Harry looks over the boy that known as Eric. The boy just look down to his half finished elephant drawing and pouts.

He turns his head back to the boy that seems to be really angry.

"What is your name?" Harry asked the boy.

"I'm Jake," the boy said displeased.

"Alright Jake, you can have elephant as your drawing, is that okay?" Harry said and he pats Jake's shoulder softly.

The boy just nods and smiles back, then he continues to draw his elephant.

Harry turns to the boy named Eric and sit next to him.

"Hello there little guy," He said with a smile on his face.

But the boy is just pouting and stares at his drawing.

"Okay, let see. Why don't you choose another animal for your drawing?" the boy just keep silent. His head still looking down.

"Do you really love elephant that much?"

Eric shakes his head.

"I-I don't know what to draw," he said slowly, his tiny fingers fiddling with his pencil. Harry smiles. This boy is so cute.

"Don't you have any animals that you like?" Like a pet?"

"We don't have one," Eric shakes his head again.

"Okay, what animal that comes in your mind right now?" Harry tries again.

Eric lifts up his head, staring at Harry's face. Now Harry can see that the boy has a pair of beautiful big grey eyes.

"I think I'm going to draw a frog,"
Eric said softly.

Harry smiles. Finally this little boy got his idea.

"Because your face looks like frog," the boy said, giggling and covering his mouth.

Then Harry frowns and shocks but he's not going to argue because Harry, he's five!

But that's really okay when he sees the boy started to smile again, his heart warm immediately.


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