||Chapter 20||

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We've been already forgotten that it was Christmas Eve,we woke up by the noise of those colorful fireworks booming around the skies.

Hyunie, merry Christmas!,I sigh

Merry Christmas too babe!,He fought

I got texted my sister Vans,I just greeted her a Merry Christmas,then waited if she'll reply.

Also Aley and all of my friends including Ms. Smith.

Hyunie we should buy our Christmas Eve food,I exclaimed

Yeah!,he spat

We headed to the minimart to buy our foods to celebrate the Christmas Eve.

We bought Bacons,letus,ham,cheese,egg,flour,butter,oil,many more.

It cost $4.6,but it's worth it.

We got our home as early before it's 2 A.M to get ready also for the grand celebration.

I invited Aley,Vans,Windie to come at Ms. Smith house to be with us celebrating the Christmas, and they agreed to came on.

We got our home and as fast get ready before it got 4 A.M, Luckily Agatha and Shane have been mocking on their bed when we got our home.

I prepared the Vegan Eggs Benedict,and a ice Moose tea,also a steam ham with letus.

Babe I think your doing a very tasty desert?, Hyunie teased

Ahah,thank you!,I sigh

After preparing I've finished it at already 2:40 A.M,calling the kids downstairs,while the doorbell rangs.

I look outside and saw Aley and Windie holding a Cake and a Spaghetti.

I opened up the gate,and made them sat on the couch.

Wow kei,congrats with your relationship,Windie pouted

Ehh?,I mumbled

Not even Minutes pass by my sister Vans came, pressing the doorbell,seeing her holding a imported wine and a 2 box of pizza.

Hey!sis i miss you this days,I'm so bored alone in the hotel,someday can you visit,Vans exclaimed

I will,if this upcoming days I'm not gonna be busy,I muttered

She sat that on the couch,while Agatha try to access a video call in Skype to her mother.

Phone rang,a couple minutes Ms. Smith answered it.

Merry!merry Christmas to all of us!,Ms. Smith greeted.

Merry Christmas too mom,The children sigh

My heart was touched seeing them happy each other with their mother celebrating Christmas.

I just remembered my mother,I couldn't help to feel embarrassed on my own.

Guys get ready and start to have a big bites with our foods,Aley fouted

In 3,2,1,We counted

Hyunie grabbed me a pizza,then fed it with me,my friends and the sister's gazed because of the intense love we shared.

Stay strong,My sister spat.

The Christmas Eve was the best day in my life,it is the first time I've celebrated it with someone.

My tears of joy,slowly fell laughing in chuckled wiping it with my hands.


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