Drayce Smirin
Tall, gunmetal blue eyes, tan
ned skin, silver long hair, well built.

"Oh my Goodness, am I dreaming, are my eyes deceiving me or something....... but isn't that the man from my dreams I was telling you about? Can't you see him; he's leaning up against the Maple tree over there," Katalina said as she pointed in the direction where the striking young man happened to be standing.

"Who are you talking about? I don't see anyone underneath the Maple tree," Dayana asked, as she looked in the direction of where her best friend was pointing.
" I don't understand why you cannot see him Dayana, as he's standing right there,"Katalina asured her friend. " Like I said to you before - I don't see him, there is no-one under that Maple tree. Are you sure your not seeing thing's....... you didn't hit your head or anything?" Dayana asked, feeling a little concerned.
"No Dayana,I did not hit my head. I swear to GoD he's standing right there," Katalina stated feeling a little confused as to why her best friend couldn't see him.

"Hey, where did he go? He was just there a second ago...... It's like he vanished in thin air. Poof, gone!" Katalina points out, taking a quick look around to see where he went. " Where did who go? Seriously girl, you're starting to freak me out! Ever thought your mind might be playing tricks on you? Neither that or you've been out in the sun too long," Dayana shook her head.

"What, you think I'm making this up? I swear I saw him there 5 minutes ago," " Yep, okay, I'll take your word for it," Dayana rolled her eye's then added," How do you know it's even him, when you've never meet the person before and how is it, that your the only one who can see him?" " Believe me Dayana, you couldn't miss that tall, handsome man with his tanned complexion, long flowing silver hair, those gunmetal blue eye's and well built frame if you fell over him," she coaxes.

"Your mysterious man sound's too good to be true Katalina." " He is real and I will prove it to you, " she snapped.
"Your being ridiculous! How can someone you dream of every night and you've never seen, let alone met, be real? Explain it too me please. You need to be realistic here katalina - as you don't even know his name or where he's from. All I can say is you have one hell of a good imagination, " Dayana implies.

"Dayana, this isn't a case of imagination, this person is as real as you and I, not a figure of someone's mind running away with them. Further more, I do not know why you have never seen him..... But he does exsit and I'll prove it too you," Katalina said as she gave a dismissive wave of her hand. " Now dont be like that, there's no need to get all huffy about it Katalina, " she said.

Later that evening while Katalina was sleeping, she dreamt of her mystery man calling out to her.
Waving his hand as if to say follow me, he lead her down a long corridor and the air turned black all around her. She followed him down then poorly lite corridor, til they came to a door, and just like that, he vanished.
" I hadn't seen that door before. It wasn't there last night." Cautiously she turned the handle and found herself back in her own room.
"What, how's that possible? How did I end up back here and where on earth did he go too? None of this makes sense."
Bolting upright in her bed, she took a quick glance around her room trying to makesome sort of sense at least to what that dream meant. Eventually she fell back to sleep.

In the morning the sky above ws full of tumultuous dark ragged clouds. The sound of lighting and thunder raged with fury and the wind was sighing and thrashing in the tree tops and boughs moaned. Soon the sky opened up and a curtain of rain beat down from the heavens. Grabbing herself a trench coat, Katalina made her way to work.

"Good morning to you Katalina. Lovely weather we're having don't you think. I presume you're over your little hissy fit?" Dayana asked as she placed the bakery tray in the oven. "Yes as a matter of a fact Dayana, I'm over the whole damn thing, and yes it's a lovely day for ducks. But besides all that nonsense - I think today might actually turn out to be rather pleasant, considering the down pour outside. Good day for baking. But if the truth were to be told, I'd rather be at home snuggled up in my comfortable bed reading a good book than be heading out in this miserable weather. But hey, you know how it is, " Katalina rattled off, as she grabbed her apron.
"I'm hearing you loud and clear there my friend,"Dayana smiled.

As the day went on, both Katalina and Dayana were flat out with work trying to get everything out on the racks for the customers. But if anything could possibly go wrong, it certainly did today. Due to the thunderstorm taking place, the small bakery lost power; which caused them to close shop earlier than expected.

" Okay girls, that's it for today..... nothing more we can do, but hangnup our aprons and head home, " their boss told them.

"Mm, that wasca rather interesting start out for the day don't you think. Now what are we going to do for the rest of the day? " Dayana asked. " I don't know about you, but I'm thinking I might catch up on some reading and maybe try make some sense out of the dream I had last night," Katalina answered.
"Really, fill me in, as the suspense is killing me." "Are you mocking me Dayana?" "Wah..... now would I do that?" she titled her head.
"Oh no, certainly not you - never little Miss perfect Dayana..... she would never dream of doing such a thing!" Katalina huffed.

" Come on now, there's no need to be huffy -puffy about it lovey - just come here and tell bestie all about it," Dayana commands, as she patted the seat next to her.

"Last night I dreamt my mysterious man had lead me down this very long poorly lite corridor. Upon following him further down, he lead me to this great huge wooden door and just like that, he disappears into thin air. But the weirdest thing was when I reached out turned the handle on the door and walked through it..... I suddenly found myself back in my own room. How strange is that?
"Strange isn't the word I'd use - very odd however is! So what you suppose it means?" Dayana asked. " I haven't the faintest idea, but mark my word - I'll figure it all out eventually, "Katalina statted.

Back at her own place, Katalina went had a quick shower, changed into something anlittle warmer, grabbed herself a coffee and went outside to sit on the patio.

" Quite relaxing isn't it?" Kova implies coming ip behind her. "Shit Kova, you scared the living daylights out of me. How long have you been standing there?"she asked taking a sip of her coffee. "Only a few seconds,"he answered as he took a seat next to her.
"So what's been happening Sis?" " Not alot today due to this crapy weather were having. We had to shut up shop because we lost power. So I thought I'd catch up on some reading. Ow about you Kova, why are you home so early?"

"Father sent me home to check on the house and make sure everything is running smoothly and to check on Maximous & Charlie. But I can't seem to find Charlie anywhere. Maximous is flaked out on father's bed, the great big lug of a thing. But that crazy cat Charlie isn't on the bed near his mate..... which is unusual, cause wherever that Hound is, so is that crazy cat," Kova uttered.
" Have you tried looking underneath father's chair? He sometimes hides inside the bottom of it when there is a thunderstorm around. Maybe with a bit of luck, you might find him there," Katalina told her brother.

Off Kova went to inspect his father's chair and suddenly Katalina heard, " I found him. He was where younsaid he would be. Stupid bloody cat, won't come out....... oh well, he can stay there than, silly bloody thing it is.

A bolt of lighting tore across the sky and a peal of thunder followed. In the back room you could hear Maximous howling at the thunder. Kova got up to check on the hound and tried to calm him down, but he just kept on howling. It surly was a sight too see and Katalina couldn't retain herself from laughing. There was her brother nursing the hound and rocking it like a newborn baby while patting him. "Maybe you should try singing him a lullaby while your at it,"his sister told him, bursting out laughing even harder.
"Your not helping the situation sis," he said. "Why don't you just put the big sook down on the floor. He'll eventually climb back up on father's bed, curl up in a ball and go back to sleep likena normal little doggie."

"You know sometimes I wonder about you Katalina. " " You wonder about me hey. Well I'm not the one sitting on father's chair rocking a great big hound - so maybe I should be the one worrying about you. This is truly a Kodak moment..... wait right there while I grab myself a camera. Ksenia and Keane won't believe it if I told them, I need proof," she said wondering off to get a camera.

"You wouldn't dare!" " Oh I do dare - I dare very much," she said coming back with the camera and snapping his picture.
"Gottcha!"she laughed. " Your going to pay for that Katalina, " he shouted.

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