
11 1 0

7 July 1915


I hope that you have made a safe journey home to Chatham and that you are recovering well. I have been released from service, and having nowhere to go I am making for England. I shall try to find a flat or boarding-house there for the time being. Perhaps I shall find somewhere in Kent.

Leaving Ypres alive and well is something I never expected to do, and something I would never have done if not for you and your bravery. Here is something I should have said long ago: Thank you, Henry Anderson, for my life. I am far from happy, but I shall try to start anew. I hope I shall see you soon.

Yours truly,



Thank you all for reading! If you noticed any mistakes or historical inaccuracies, please point them out. I had a lot of fun researching this (and I got full points on the project!).

Thank you to these users, who have been supportive and active readers regarding this story! This list will be updated. 



Until next time,

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