Part 1 Where am I?

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(Y/n)=your name
(L/n)=last name
(Y/h/c)=Your hair colour
(Y/e/c)=your eye colour
(Y/s/c)=your skin colour
The last thing I remember was getting on the train after school. I was a high schooler so I had alot of tests I had to study for which is what I normally did on the train home, study. Except today. Today I was feeling especially drowsey and as I watched the trees and fields pass by I unknowingly slipped into dreamland...

I woke up after who knows how long after the announcer chimed through the train "last stop, Mogeko! Mogeko!" I thought for a second 'mogeko? Never heard of a place called mogeko before, how long did I sleep for I must've missed my stop. Guess theres nothing i can do now this is the last stop after all...' I snapped out of my thoughts and got off the train onto the station.

The platform was completely empty apart from a few vending machines a bench and a sign with the word 'Mogeko' on it 'it must just be a rural town or something ill just ask someone when the next train home is' I thought. I began to on the path towards a desolate looking forest it looked like the kind of forest teenager go into in horror films to get kind by some sort of guy in a mask. Down the path i started to see an outline of a castle with a statue of a head that looked catlike on top of it. Not long after I swore that i heard footsteps behind me. Crack! I turn around to see a group of 5 small yellow creatures that looked like the same catlike statue on the castle.

Then one of them spoke "Hello (y/n)"
"H-how do you know my name?" I replied to the...thing.
"We know alot about you, say your a high schooler, right?"
"Y-yes, why?"
"We mogekos love high schoolers~"
Suddenly the 'mogekos' started to move towards me.
"Stay with us for a while, we'll be gentle for your first time~"
I figured out tgeir intentions and ran. I ran as fast as I could I didnt look back. Soon the forest started to clear up and i got to the castle I banged on the door hoping somebody would let me in and when the door didnt budge I opened it and went in myself not wanting the mogekos to catch up to me.

I shut the door and turned back around. My heart froze. Stood in front of me was around 20 mogekos the 'leader' of the group, or who I assumed was the leader took a step forward and spoke. "Looks like (y/n) came staight to us"
"Welcome to our castle (y/n) ,mogeko castle"
Another mogeko at the back of the group spoke up.
"So which one of us gets her first?~"
"Thats not fair!"
"Yeah it is im the best of us here!"
The group began to argue between themself and you took the opportunity to escape you ran through the door on your left since the front door was now suddenly locked.

Through the door I was met with a corridor I walk though it without hesitation wanting to get far away from the mogekos before the figured out I was gone. After the corridor I was met with a huge dining room that looked like it could fit around 1000 mogekos in it. I admired the size of the room before leaving through another door. It lead to a storage room, great.

"She has to be around here somewhere" I heard a mogeko through the door 'I need to hide, now!' I ran and hid behind a pile of boxes on the other side of the room. The door opened "(y/n)-tan come out~ I know your in here" It called out, I remained silent. "You cant hide from us we can smell you high schoolers easily" There was a pause "Your lucky i have a cold right now" Then what I can only assume was either the best timing of all time or that someone was looking out for me as a bell rang out through the castle...

"I-its..ITS MEALTIME!!!" The mogeko ran out the room into the dining room to attend 'mealtime' . I went through the other door in the storage room and it lead to a pitch black room covered in blood stains, the smell was horrible and hit me like a gust of hot air when getting off a plane. Around the room were few groups of bloodied up mogekos with crazed expressions i ran down the corridor not wanting to stay to close to them.

I got through the door and found myself bavk at the main lobby area and heard a voice "psst, over here."
"Over here"
It sounded like it came from the room next to the stairs so i entered it and inside was a mogeko sat on a couch in a room that look like a break room of sorts.
The mogeko spoke "Hello (y/n) dont be afraid i am not like the other mogekos you can call me somewhat-strange mogeko"
"Thats a long name"
"I know and it doesnt matter, why dont you sit down"
"No i really have to get going im trying to get out of here so i can go home"
"The only way out of here is to get to the top floor"
"How many floor are there?"
"Here" The strage mogeko passed me a knife "use it if you have to defend youself "
"Thank you, now i must get going"
"Good luck"
I left the room and took myself un the stairs to the second floor.

Thank you for readung this chapter sorry thee wasnt any moge-ko in it ill promise ill speed it up in the next chapter to include her.


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