Chapter 1

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I stood outside the school, waiting for my dad to pick me up. The bell just rang meaning the day had ended; kids were scattered around the courtyards mingling or waiting for their ride. My music was loud but not loud enough, I could still hear her annoying voice in the background. Mocking me; saying that my family was fake and that we were giving everybody the image of a perfect family, but in reality we were a disaster. Before I could hear another word, my bag was flung to the ground, and i was running full speed ahead to her perfect blonde hair and pushing her to the ground. My face was hot, voices were muffled, and all I saw was red. She had always tortured me in class, but this time I finally snapped; I could feel the sting on my knuckles as my skin was being torn from hitting her over and over again. Then when someone pulled me back, and I took a breath; my cheeks felt wet and I had blood all over my hands, and I realized what a little bit of anger could make me do.
I took in a sharp breath and wiped the tears from my cheeks. I turned around to the sight of one angry parent; my dad looked into my eyes and I tried to read his expression but I couldn't tell if it was anger or disappointment. He took my arm and pulled me towards his car,  I made an attempt to jolt my arm away so I could get my bag but too much movement made my hands hurt. I looked down at my hands and they didn't even look like hands, they were all bloody and mangled; he knew what was wrong and grabbed my bag from the ground and I followed him to his car slowly, scared of what he would say. He chucked my bag in the backseat and opened the passenger door for me. I slowly slid in, careful not to do anymore damage to my hands. He sat in the driver's seat slamming the door shut, starting the car up. The engine roared loud and made me jump in my seat, a little laugh escaped his mouth. The drive was silent, the only sound was the small hum of the radio, I tried to listen to what the song was to distract myself, at first I couldn't tell what it was but then i got it; Love don't die by the Fray filled my ears instantly making me less stressed. My dad turned it up knowing that was my favorite song and knew it would make me feel better.
We pull into the parking lot of our apartment complex and sit in silence; I try to talk but when i open my mouth no words come out. "What the hell was that," he said
"You heard me."
"I- I don't know."
"Bullshit, something like that doesn't just happen because you were bored and wanted to have some fun."
"It does with you."
"What did you say?"
"You heard me."
"Don't talk back to me Emery."
"But you know it's true, we all know you have an anger problem, and mom told me when you were in college and got into fights you could have killed someone if she didn't stop you."
"That was in the past, I became better for your mom, and for you and Auden."
"I know."
"What does you getting into a fight at school have to do with my violence?"
I did my best to hold in my tears, I didn't want to cry more than I already had, "I saw red," I said quietly, almost ashamed.
"You what?" He asked just as quietly
"I-I saw red, a- and the rush of adrenaline felt amazing, i wouldn't have stopped if you hadn't pulled me back."
"I still don't understand what that has to do with me?"
"Stop playing dumb," the quietness in my voice was gone, i couldn't take it anymore, i needed to know the truth. "I know that you were just like that, that you couldn't get enough."
"Emery, calm down."
"No, I won't calm down; I need to know."
"Know what? Why are you freaking out."
"If i'm like you." there were tears running down my cheeks now, there was no point in stopping it, I just need to let them all out. "That i'm an atomic bomb that could explode at any minute, that if i get even the tiniest bit of angry it could set me off in a continuous period of destruction."
"Emery, you are nothing like me. You are smart and beautiful just like your mom."
"I thought that too, but what happened at school, I-I could've killed her."
"But you didn't, everything is fine now."
"What if it happens again."
"It won't, your better than that, you can control it."
"But what if i can't." I know my father well; I know that he had a very bad problem. From the stories my mother has told me I feared that I would turn out just like him, and I did. And he knows it too.
"Emery, you are stronger than I ever was, we can get through this."
    "What if i ca-."
    "You will. Now let's go inside and clean up your hands, we can talk about this later. Ok?"

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