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I need help like help.....
I feel sick but like I feel funny annnnnd its like warm but then it gets sooooo cold and it's this crushing feeling in my chest and it hurts and I don't know what to do T¬T I just wanna stay home and think about the wrongs I have done and sleep normally but I can't cause am too alone XD man am weird.

I feel sick but like I feel funny annnnnd its like warm but then it gets sooooo cold and it's this crushing feeling in my chest and it hurts and I don't know what to do T¬T I just wanna stay home and think about the wrongs I have done and sleep no...

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This would probably be me if they let me have thy blanket but I just wanna not go anywhere tomorrow....
Who ever it is just take me I prefer to be a pet now.

My crappy art lololWhere stories live. Discover now