asking her for a date.

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"Jennie..?", Lisa looks at me with confused eyes. "who the fuck is Jennie?" .


- 3 weeks ago -

I walked into Rosé's café like any other day and honestly I've been feeling slightly on edge due to a deal I'm supposed to close off next week. It was the type of deal that if I close off, a huge weight will be lifted from my shoulders. I walked up to the counter and first thing that met me were fox like eyes that made me slightly uncomfortable. Not because they were ugly but they were very intense that it intimidated me and they kind of were piercing through my soul somehow. I could be hallucinating though...I did have too many drinks last night.

"Ex-", my voice came out broken so I cleared up my voice and made sure I was looking straight at her with the same intensity she's offering me.

"Excuse me, give me one hot chocolate please."

"Alright. Anything else?", she spoke with a sweet voice that I would not mind listening to for years.

"oh, make it skim milk please", I replied while reaching for my wallet.

"I'm on diet, sorta", I don't know why I added that part but maybe I was hoping for a conversation.

"I wouldn't pursue a diet if I had your body honestly", she looked at my from head to toe which caused my cheeks to slightly blush at that.

I answered with a chuckle, I hope she doesn't realize how flustered I am.

"that will be $3", she offered a smile which I gladly returned

After I paid I left the café. Of course I had to glance at her name tag before I left, Jennie. That was her name. She is what I like to call a babe. She was sweet, pretty and well-spoken. Who am I kidding she only spoke for 2 seconds but I'm gay so no wonder I'm over exaggerating describing her. I seriously need to get laid I'm going desperate oh my god.

I haven't went to the café for a few days due to being busy with work and all. Rosé had called me the night before practically begging me to help her with some bills related to her café and she wanted to hang out since we haven't done it in ages.

I entered the café and instantly felt myself looking over the counter looking for the girl I have been secretly thinking of lately. Jennie.

She looks cute today, she was wearing glasses unlike last time. I went up to order and she shot me a whole lot more smiles than last time which I appreciated, let's not be whipped Jisoo. I stole glances at her making my coffee and I saw myself strangely staring at her hand way too much, she noticed that which made her smirk while continuing to close the lid to my drink. I tried to react calmly and just took my drink and left to meet rosé at one of the tables.

"Jisoooo", Rosé slightly sang while saying my name and stood up to give me a hug.

"Careful, hot drink on board.", I replied smiling because Rosé gave like tightest hugs ever. Warm hugs. but definitely tight.

"I missed you, I hate that you are a workaholic.", she said frowning as she sat across the table.

"I could teach you how to be one, you could like join the cool club.", I replied while winking.

She rolled her eyes, "Lisa got that covered up don't worry. I don't think our relationship would last if we were both into our work more."

She started laughing which gained a laugh back from me as well.

After my meeting with Rosé, I started skipping breakfast way too often to creepily stare at the cute barista, Jennie, while she's making my drink. I need to stop being tragically gay and just ask her out but I know I'm too busy to date and she kind of gives off the I want a committed relationship vibes. I think I know how to get over this. I picked up my phone and dialed Lisa.

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