Underneath It All

Start from the beginning

"Nice. I've always wanted to go to New York," says Olivia as she puts her head on Eli's shoulder. During the summer, Eli and Olivia have video chatted so much that it made Maddie a little crazy.


"What's that?" asks Eli.

"It's an update from facerange. This one is from Clare. She says that she already arrived at Degrassi,"says Adam as he looks at his phone.

"I believe we are here too," says Eli as he pulls up to the parking lot of Degrassi.

Adam, Maddie, Olivia and Eli get out of the car. Adam and Olivia see Clare walking up.

"Hey," says Adam, "Did you have a good summer?"

"Yeah. Adam, Olivia hi," replies Clare.

"Clare!" says Jenna as the walk up behind her. Jenna is Clare best friend. Alli is also Clare best friend, but they are not talking because over the summer she kissed Jake. Jake was Clare's x-boyfriend and step-brother. Clare's mom and Jake's dad got married at the end of summer. She is mad at Alli, so now they are not talking.

"Hey," says Alli.

"Hi," replies Clare, awkwardly.

"What happened during the summer? You two don't seem too happy to see each other," says Olivia.

"Alli kissed Jake."

"I didn't mean to. You two were broken up," says Alli.

"Ooh here he comes. Hi Jake," says Adam.

"Hey. Clare," he replies. They have a small kiss.

"I think we should go," says Clare, "See yah later."

Clare and Jake leave.

Adam, Olivia, Alli and Jenna head inside.

As Maddie makes here way to the doors, she bumps into someone.

"Oh, sorry," she says.

"It's all right," says a boy with brown hair, wearing the same clothes as her. A girl with long, curly, brown hair is standing next to him.

"I'm new. My names Maddie."

"We'll, your in luck. We are new too," says the boy, "My name's Tristan Milligan and this is my best friend Tori Santamaria."

"Hi," says Tori.

"So, we're in the same grade," says Maddie.

They all go in the school. There's a table at the front where Seniors are passing out locker numbers. Maddie, Tristan and Tori take a number.

"What's your number?" asks Tori.

"Mine is 203," replies Maddie.

"I have the locker next to you. Number 204," says Tori.

"My locker number is 207. A few lockers away from you two," says Tristan.

"Hey," says Olivia as she walks up to Maddie, "Did you get your locker number?"

"Yes and I met someone. His name is Tristan. He's the one up there," replies Maddie as she points to Tristan.

"Good for you. My little sister is already making friends."

"He's not a friend. He's just someone in my grade I met... and he has the locker next to me."


"Stop it."

"Okay, see yah. I gotta go to my locker. Have a nice day."

Olivia goes to her locker, which is next to Clare's.

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