i wish you know the truth

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virgil's POV

I was walking around  the mind space. I was going to ask patton  to help me ask out roman, but I heard them talking about me " hes just a bad guy we dont really need him!"  roman yells ik they dont know I'm here but it still hurts." Roman's right fir once he dont do much any way so why keep him?" logan is on princy side." guys you have to give him a chance okay! he still one of us!" Patton yells at them. I ran to my room and slammed my door and started  to look for my razor. I heard knocking on my door but I didn't  care I started  to cut my self. when I was done Thomas was soumening me, I got up there everyone was there and I see deict and remus I started  to cry. " you were right Dee!" I ran to him and he hugged me. " shhh it's okay what happened?"

pattons POV
we were yelling at each  other and I cant believe  roman would say that about virgil! I heard a door slammed we all did " did you think he heard us? " roman ask me but I didnt answer  him I ran to virgil room, I started  to knock on his door but he was not answering  but Thomas summoned  use. when I got there deict and remus  were there  " why are you here?" I ask cus ik no one els was but before he could answer  virgil came out of know where " you were right Dee!" right about what why is he crying? " shhh it's okay what happened?" I never seen deict care about anyone before
" they dont need me Dee they hate me I didnt do anything  wrong!" he crys in to his arms I feel bad for him I want to hug him but ik it hurts him more cus he has a big crush on roman." hey v who said that?" remus ask and all virgil had to do was point and let's just say they were not happy. " I hope your happy roman what did he do to you! " remus was yelling at him " v show me you arms?" virgil  froze " ik you did come one your coming home only if roman knows the truth that you not a bad guy he would care now let's go home." deceit says  virgil nods " okay dad..." wait dad and they were gone. I look over to logan and roman " I hope your happy I lost my kiddo cus of you guys! idk what to say...." roman was going to give me a hug " dont fucking touch  me!" and eith that I left and went to my room. " if they only know the truth?"  what dose that even mean!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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