I am Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry it's come to this Clarke, truly I am." The blankness look in his near black eyes belied his words. Clarke had no doubt that he would shed no tear for her death and the only thing he would regret would be what this would do to Lexa. Trying to get him to change his mind, she tried to appeal to his wish to see her leave.

"Look, I'm leaving right now. Octavia is outside waiting for me, just let me take Murphy and go." Clarke could see even before she finished pleading for her life that he was going to refuse. The next words confirmed it for her and left her feeling cold.

"I wish that I could, but Lexa never execute her duty whilst you live." Seeing his finger about to pull the trigger on her, Clarke tried one more time. This time appealing to his loyalty to Lexa. Hoping that the thought of hurting his head would be enough to still his hand, she had to try one more time. Clarke really didn't want to die.

"Hey Titus, think okay?" Clarke searched his eyes for any sign of wavering, but they were carefully blank. Undeterred she continued, hoping this would work, "she's gonna know it was you!" Before she could continue Titus's agitated voice angrily interrupted her, apparently, he had already thought of this.

"She's gonna think it was him!" Titus roared, jerking his head toward a now unconscious Murphy. The doctor in Clarke was worried about him being unconscious with his injuries but the rest of her was watching Titus like a Hawke. Clarke knew that there was no changing his mind and it was only a matter of time before he made his move and she needed to be ready to move.

"Skaikru weapon, in the hands of a Skaikru thief," seeing Titus licked his lips in anticipation and his left foot twitch as if he was about to leap at her was her clue that he was about to shoot. Too many hours training and watching those fight gave Clarke an advantage of knowing when to move to avoid danger. Thought Titus was using a Skaikru weapon, he was a Trikru warrior and they relied on swords. Using a gun would not stop him from instinctively preparing to fight like he was still using his sword. Muscle memory and instinct would always trump inexperience and this first expected reaction from him gave her enough time to dodge his attack long before his continued shouted excuse to fall from his lips.

"She might even be angry enough to declare WAR!" With that he started shooting. The next few minutes seemed to pass in a blur of shooting and dodging. After the third shot, she grabbed the nearest object which was a chair and smacked the gun out of his hand. Rather than pursuing her fight with him, she ran to the door when she heard hurried footsteps. Clarke knew who that was, Clarke felt her before she heard the footsteps approach the door and the handle turn to open. The thought of Lexa entering the danger zone and getting hurt propelled her against the door to prevent it from opening and that is when Titus took one last chance. Clarke knew that the handgun that Titus used had about six bullets left in that gun. Titus had already wasted the first five, it seems like luck number six was the one to end her life.

Clarke had just reached her arm out to close the opening door when she heard one last crack of the gun. Thinking that he missed again, she staggered toward the now opened door to shut it, not even noticing that she was too late, and it was already open to show her who she already knew would be there. Clarke didn't even note the silence that rang so starkly in the air as Lexa stood there, stunned at the scene before her.

Titus, her most trusted advisor with a gun that was slowly lowering to the floor at the sight of his Heda. A boy whom was so obviously Skaikru tied and gagged to a chair unconscious and then there was Clarke. Clarke whom had left her bed not even a half a candle mark to pack for her journey to her home. Clarke whom she knew she was hopelessly in love with. Clarke who now stood staring at her in panic and a touch of shock. If Lexa knew Clarke at all and she did, then Clarke knew that Clarke would have known that Lexa was coming and would have tried to protect her by preventing her entry. Lexa would have scolded her if the situation wasn't so dire. Lexa was about to demand to know what was going on, when she noticed the slowly bleeding hole in Clarkes gut.

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