Chapter 1 - A month after war

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This is my first fanfic. Sorry if my grammars are wrong because I'm not that good at English. Anyway, I hope you all like it.

One day Naruto and Kakashi were called by Tsunade for a mission.

Tsunade: Kakashi and Naruto, you go to the Land of Lightning to bring this scrolls.

Naruto: Hey! Tsunade-baachan, what rank it is? It's a D-rank mission right?!

Kakashi: Naruto, just calm down, will you?

Tsunade: Don't worry, it's an A rank mission because there's a rouge ninjas. You can encounter them when you go there...

Naruto: Whaat?! An A-rank mission?! Yatta!! (left the hokage office)

Tsunade: *sigh* He never learn.. Anyway Kakashi, take care of Naruto, you know what kind of person is he.

Kakashi: Hai, I understand.

When Kakashi left the office, He and Naruto went home to fix their supplies.

Naruto: Kunai.. shuriken.. scrolls.. etc. ALL SET!

Then when Naruto left his apartment, he saw Kakashi at the village entrance.

Naruto: Heeey! Kakashi-sensei!! *waving*

Kakashi: Yo! You ready?

Naruto: Yeah! Let's go!

While Kakashi and Naruto left the village for the mission, Tsunade called Sakura and Hinata.They are all Jounin now.

Sakura: What is it, Tsunade-shisho?

Tsunade: I want you and Hinata go to a C-rank mission.

Hinata: Is it difficult?

Tsunade: No, I don't think it's that difficult..

Hinata: Ah, I see..

Tsunade: By the way, I heard there are some rouge ninja's out there so be careful.

Sakura/Hinata: Hai!

While Sakura, Hinata, Naruto, and Kakashi are on a mission, Choji, Ino, Sai, Tenten, Lee and Shikamaru are all in the Barbecue restaurant.

Choji: Oh! Babecue! ♥

Tenten: Hey Choji, why don't you take a diet? you're so fa-

Lee immediately hold Tenten's mouth before she say the word Choji really hate.

Lee: Tenten! Don't say that word to Choji-kun or he will be very mad *whispering*

Tenten: o-okay...

Lee sat again on the floor removing his hand on Tenten's mouth.

Choji: Tenten, Did you say something?

Ino: No Choji, It's nothing.. don't worry. *smile*

Meanwhile, Kakashi and Naruto are jumping on the trees

Naruto: Hey, Umm, Kakashi-sensei?

Kakashi: Hmmm?

Naruto: After this mission, will you treat me to Ichiraku Ramen?

Kakashi: Why?

Naruto: Nothing, It's never treat me *scratching his head*

Kakashi: Why don't you ask Hinata?

Naruto: AH! Kakashi-sensei!! *blush*

Kakashi: Hahaha! Sorry, sorry.. *smile*

Naruto: Tsss...

A NaruHina and KakaSaku FanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat