Part Thirteen- The Morning

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Cheryl's POV

Friday, October 13th 2017

I awoke to the sun glaring through the gap in the curtains right onto my face. I'd wrapped myself around Toni in my sleep meaning we were now cuddled up to each other with our legs tangled. She had a smile on her face as she slept.

I knew Toni was a heavy sleeper so I didn't worry too much about waking her when I was getting out of bed. I grabbed my glasses and looked at the clock on her night stand. 5:48am.

I made my way out of Toni's door and led myself across to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and showered, got changed into my clothes for the day and cleaned up any trace that I ever used it. When I came back out, with my hair still in a towel, Gracie was in the kitchen making coffee for herself.

"Oh good morning Cheryl, would you like a coffee?" She asked me cheerfully. "I'd l-love one, t-t-thank you." I smiled back to her. We sat at the dining table and chatted for a while until it was around 7am. "I'm going to start breakfast, go and wake Toni and tell her to shower." She told me.

I made my way back to Toni's room and she was snuggling with the pillow that I slept on last night, smiling to herself in her sleep still. I took out my phone and snapped a quick picture since she looked so cute. I climbed on to the bed and began to tickle her relentlessly, she quickly awoke and began to giggle. "Cher... stop I... stoppppp." She continued laughing. She then grabbed both of my hands and threw me under her. "You could've just woke me normally god." She got out, breathlessly. "Where's the fun in that?" I laughed back to her. She pouted.

"Your mom said breakfast would be ready soon so go and shower stinky butt." I teased her. She continued pouting and made her way to the bathroom. I waited on her bed for her while she was gone. She walked back in about 15 minutes later, with a towel around her. I was about to make my way out of the room so she could change when she dropped the towel and pulled underwear out of her closet. I was in shock and tried to avert my eyes to absolutely anything else in the room that I could. I was not about to watch her, butt naked, changing next to me.

By the time she had her pants on, she pulled out a bra from the drawer in her closet. "Cher can you fasten this for me please." I heard her say, I turned to see her struggling with it. I stood up quickly, the blush still apparent on my face and clipped it for her. "Thank you." She said, before grabbing a shirt out of her closet. "No p-problem TT." God why did I stutter, as if the blush on my face wasn't bad enough. "Here" she said, hanging me a denim jacket with a serpent logo on the back. "I think it'll look good on you." She continued with a wink. I put the jacket on and she smiled at me.

She turned back to me, now fully dressed and said "oh my mom told me to ask you if you liked bacon and eggs by the way." I just nodded. "Great because that's what she's made, come on." She held out her hand for me to grab and pulled me up from the bed. We sat at the dining table, along with Jughead, Gracie and FP. "I swear I'll never know why that boy takes as long as he does to get ready." Gracie said, referring to Zacharia.

He finally came out of his room and took a seat at the other side of Jughead. Toni, FP and Jughead had all finished their meals by this point since they somehow practically inhale their food. Gracie and I were still eating however.

Toni offered to wash everything so she made her way back around to the kitchen to do so. Zach made his way back to his room and FP had to go to the Wyrm to sort some business. "So how has school been Cheryl?" Gracie asked me. "It's b-been okay thank y-you. Especially with T-t-toni helping o-out w-with the bullies and ev-everything." I smiled back to her.

Toni's POV

I walked back into the living room to see my mom and Jughead chatting with Cheryl. I just stood in the doorway and smiled. I'm so glad my family like her, it's a good principle when I want to make her my girlfriend.

I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall and it read 8:30am. School time. I grabbed my bag and phone from my room, as well as Cheryl's phone. I quickly called Jason and reminded him to bring Cheryl's school bag with him today and arranged to meet him in the parking lot. "Come on you two we gotta get to school." I told them both. Jughead grabbed his bag and I handed Cheryl her phone.

We made our way outside and Jughead mounted his bike. I handed Cheryl my helmet but she didn't seem so sure therefore I asked "you are okay with getting on my bike aren't you?" She nodded and placed the helmet on her head. With that we set off to school, Cheryl's arms were wrapped tightly around my waist, out of fear I presume.

I parked my bike in our usual spot and Cheryl and I made our way over to Jason's car where he was stood with Archie. "Here Cher, did you have a good night?" He asked, handing her bag to her. "We did, apart from SOMEONE choosing to watch a horror film even though we really didn't have to." I teased Cheryl, remembering her cuddling into my side, terrified of what was on the screen. "W-well I thought y-you'd like it." She stuttered back since Archie was with us. I just laughed along with Jason.

"I'm liking the jacket Cher." Jason told her, a blush rose to her cheeks and she smiled. We made our way into the school together and everyone was staring at her. I assumed it was because of the jacket. Cheryl walked to her locker and I stood next to her the entire time. "If anyone says anything or does anything then text me. Yeah?" I whispered in Cheryl's ear. "I will TT. See you later." She hugged me and we both made our way to our first classes.

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