Chapter five

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We need to go deeper~
(Can we just talk about-this)

"Oh god he so pure"
Jimin squealed out pinching Hoseok chubby cheeks

"H-hyung s-stopppp" he whined out he had noticed he had been changing he was.......

Softer and more comfortable with the boys it had been going on 6 months with in those six months he came to realize he had fall in love with the boys he immediately dismissed that though if they knew the truth about him they would be so Frightened and disappointed or disgusted at him for his crimes

They would leave him he knew this and that's why he wasn't going to tell them. Or so he thought
Made the god was against him
Shit he knew god was against him


"Yes taetae"

"We have confession"
He said as the rest pull Hoseok so he was facing Them

"Really Taehyung!
He heard jungkook yell

"He has to  know geez shut the front door and be quiet"
Hoseok laughed at their Antics

"W-well me and the boys are in a relationship hobi" Taehyung stuttered Nervously waiting for his reaction

Hobi laughed again

Taehyung aren't we all in a friendly relationship!?

He speaking confused at this

Namjoon chuckled at this Hoseok is too cute namjoon cooed 

"No like we love each other"
Yoongi said bluntly

"B-but I love you guys too can I join" he said happiness dripping from each word

"Hobi it like we love each other in romantic way"

This stuck him
"Do you llove me in that way?
He Accidentally speaking out his mind

"REALLY JUANCOCK WHY WOULD TELL HIM WE AGREE I  Healthy I guess OK now yeah mom is Jacob with you now know what you said it down quick no birds in there is there a ready to go back out again at 5:20 828 I thought it was extra large large largeBE ME FIRST"p
Jimin said with a pout

Everyone waited for Hoseok answer

Hoseok was so shocked he didn't think of people were capable of love him it made him feel like he was on cloud nine!

He was so deep and into thoughts he didn't notice tears flood his eyes


Ah-I'm sorry hyung I just never expected for not just one but all of you guys to love someone like me"

He sobbed feel his body be pulled into a group hug

He feel kisses be planted everywhere mixed sweet thing be whispers in his ears
His face flushed red his heart kept doing backflips this is what love felt like

Warning ⚠️ no-no parts(play the song)

Hoseok felt himself be pulled into a kiss he moaned loudly because he is extremely sensitive

Taehyung tongue lapped around his pink nipple sucking while namjoon tongue sucked purple hickeys on to Hobi thighs

"Ah~ b-be gentle please"
He whines softly as he moaned on to jimins plumped lips

Jimin was in heaven god he loved the feeling of his tongue and Hoseok tongue rubbing against each-other

Hoseok moaned even louder when He felt Jungkook warm mouth on his 8inch members (no small dicks allowed here)

"Ah ko-kookie slow Down "

The boy could feet there cocks throbbing At Hoseok moans

"Baby moan for daddy~

Jin said in a deep husky tone while place Hoseok in the face down ass up position

Hoseok sobbed in pleasure as he felt Jins tongue explore is rim

"Ah- please hyung do t-that again"

Hoseok let out another (porn star ☠️moan)
Whiny high pitched moan as felt Jin grip his ass

Jin love tasting Hoseok he also loved how every-time his tongue thrusted in out of Hoseok puckered hole he would finch

God he love everything about him
His hair his face his smile his laughed and his giggles he didn't know why he was so attractived to  it

"Jungkook please"
He didn't know why he choose jungkook all he knew is that he need that Juancock
(I'm sorry😂☠️)

"Are sure baby"

To be continued 😤🤪

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