Crowley's anxiety attack

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In the back room of Aziraphael's bookshop, there was a demon. This in itself wasn't unusual, as Crowley spent a lot of time back there. What was unusual however, was the state that Crowley was in.

The red headed demon was sat in between two bookshelves, curled into a ball and shaking violently. There were tears streaming down his face and it was becoming hard for him to breathe. His hands were ripping into his legs and his Angel was nowhere to be seen.

Really, the angel was just in the front of the shop, cleaning up and stopping yet another sale from happening. He was just yelling "Toodle-oo" to the person who'd tried to buy a certain title that He was particularly attached to. The cheery man closed up shop and drifted into the back room, immediately dropping the book he was holding upon seeing his demon.

His heart dropped and he ran to his love. He fell onto his knees in front of the snake and reached to him. He pulled away the demon's arms with a gentle grasp and pulled Crowley into his lap. Aziraphael hugged and soothed the ginger until he was no longer gasping for air.

"Darling,what happened? Are you okay, are you hurt?" Aziraphael's voice was sad and scared.

"A-angel," Crowley gasped "P-please don't leave me. I don't w-want to be alone." The Angel's heart broke and he pulled the demon closer.

"Oh love, I will never ever leave you." The Angel kissed the forehead of the demon who was now sobbing only quietly as he clung."I promise you."

"I-i don't know what I'd d-do if you f-fell. D-don't let heaven h-hurt you, P-please." Crowley clung to his Angel as his sobs became quieter.

"I promise Crowley, I'm not going anywhere." It was there, in the back room of Aziraphael's bookshop that the two stayed for the rest of the night, The angel playing with the hair of the Demon. The two ethereal beings recounting stories of their past, memories from centuries ago.

It was almost midnight when they moved to the flat above the shop to retire to bed.

"So, don't you think we should take a trip?" Crowley asked his angel.

"Where ever would we go Love?" Was the Angel's response.

"Alpha Centauri dear, the most gorgeous place in the galaxy."

"Hmm, yes. We'll have to go one of these days, now won't we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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