Chapter - Introduction

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Things you should look out for
Y/n= Your name
L/n= Last name
F/c= Favorite color
S/f/c= Second favorite color
F/s= Favorite song
F/s/a= Favorite Stuffed Animal
F/f= Favorite food
F/d= Favorite drink
B/n= Bullies name

Author's Note

Now i know not many of you will read this, but if you do then thank you. And i hope you enjoy the story cause i will enjoy writing it anyway on to the story.
Y/n's POV

I was in my room sitting on my f/c bed as i held my f/s/a close to me, my parents had locked me in my room for asking if i could play in the backyard; they didn't really like me doing or have anything that brings me joy (in other words they hate me).

I don't have many friends if any at all, i was always a loner because I'm not use to interacting with people plus i don't really like people. Whenever i try and leave my comfort zone and make some friends they always stab me in the back, so i just decided to keep my distance from others.

I fell backwards onto my bed as i stared at the ceiling, i was getting hungry but my parents said i wouldn't get any dinner today. I might just go out and buy some food like i usually do, i might be 8 years old (AN: or any age between 5 and 10) but i know how to survive on my own.

I sat up and walked over to my small closet, opening it i grabbed my f/c hoodie and some black jeans and slipped them on before putting on my converse shoes. Once i was dressed i went and grabbed my money from my nightstand and stuffed it in my hoodie pocket, i knew that my parents would be in bed by now but i didn't want to risk making any noise trying to go out the front door so i had to take my secret exit.

I step inside my closet and move some clothes to the side until a small door was visible, i slide the door open and started crawling down the small crawl space. I normally take this way when i need to get out without my parents knowing, like they ever notice I'm gone anyway; i crawled a little more before i saw another door that lead outside.

I slide that one open and crawled out into my backyard and stood up on my feet, i close my eyes and take a few deep breaths smelling the sweet air of night. I look up at my parents window and see that their light was off so they are definitely asleep, i start walking to the road and walk down the side walk to the nearest grocery store; not even noticing that i once again forgot to close my crawl space door.

So that's just a little short of what the story will be like, i hope you like it so far and until next time. This is TearsOfADarkAngel signing off 📴

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