Julian and Morana 🖤

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It was a hot day in Vesuvia. One of the hottest. There was a humidity that lingered in the air, almost sucking out any energy and inspiration for the citizens that day. Almost. Morana walked through the town market, looking at certain items, herbs, food. Following next to her, traipsing alongside, Dr Julian Devorak. Morana seemed to be fine in the heat, bigger things at hand for her. Julian, on the other hand, had his coat slung over his shoulder with his shirt unbuttoned, fanning himself with his gloves. It was far too hot of a day. "My dear, I don't understand how you're coping in this heat. Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Morana smiles, focusing on some fresh smelling herbs infront of her. "Big things to do today. I'm in the zone. Excuse me, when were these herbs picked?" She struck up a conversation with the stall keeper. Julian smiles softly at her, wishing she could be 'in the zone' on a cooler day, but not loving her any less for it. It had been a month since all the commotion went down, danger ensued, evidently got sorted...finally, the two had their time. Morana was proving a challenge indeed, merely to keep up with, and Julian's self loathing...wasn't as bad as it was. Give him some credit, he was improving. Julian moves into the shade by the stalls, watching the few amount of people meandering around, trying to keep cool, buying what they needed and retreating to the shade also. He smiles, watching Morana hand over a pile of coins, and in exchange, receive a bag of freshly picked herbs. For more of her magical stuff. Julian had begun to open up to the magic arts, but he was still a little skeptical. She headed over to Julian, putting the herbs in her shoulder bag and adjusting it across her body. She smiles brightly. "That's that bit of shopping. Pumpkin bread?" She said with a childish like excitement. Julian tries to refrain from laughing but couldn't help a little chuckle. "You and your pumpkin bread. Of course, but please can we head off somewhere cooler after...!" Morana smiles, tilting her head. "Of course, I can't wait to get you out of those sweaty clothes~" she teases. Julian blushes and fans himself faster, not wanting to get hotter in the already sweltering heat. Morana chuckles, then blinks and looks aside for a moment, focusing on something else. Julian watches. "Is everything alright?" Morana stays focused, listening intently. "Yes, I thought I heard...something." She did. She hears the mew of what sounded like a kitten. It didn't sound too safe either. "It sounds like a kitten..." she walks away from the shade and breaks into a run, completely losing focus of Julian. She had soft spots for animals. Julian's eyes widen as she runs off. "Morana!" He calls after her. And realises she's not coming back... "damnit, running on a hot day isn't going to help!" Julian grabs his gloves and coat tightly, running off after her, trying not to lose sight of the pink haired magician. Said pink haired magician races round corners and jumps over obstacles, coming to an alley full of baskets and bins and rubbish. She listens closely, and there's a mew from behind some rubbish. Morana moves everything aside to see a small kitten, with features like Pepi but an injured paw and a look of sorrow on its face. "You poor thing..." she crouches down and holds her hand out to it, letting the injured kitten get a whiff of her scent. It doesn't take long for the kitten to become comfortable, it nudges her fingertip in an attempt to get closer. Morana's heart warms at this and she picks the kitten up gently, holding her firmly and close to her chest. "Don't you worry, I've got you. Nothing's going to happen now." She smiles, stroking the kitten as it nuzzles its head into the palm of her hand. Suddenly a shadow appears, standing over Morana in the alley way. She smiles, stroking the kitten. "Sorry Julian, I thought I heard somethin-" as she looks over, she realises she didn't see the shape of the shadow. It wasn't her loving partner, in fact, it was a being incapable of feeling love for anything but torture and putting fear in people's minds. A being so nasty, the mere presence made Morana's skin crawl ferociously.


She holds the kitten closer, a twisted smile played across his lips. "Long time, no see." The kitten mews, sensing discomfort. Morana puts a hand over the kittens body for reassurance. "What do you want." Morana demands. Valdemar's grin twists further, if possible. "Nothing, nothing! I came to see how you and Dr. Devorak were doing! After all, that was such a horrible incident for you two to return from. So so horrible!" A shiver goes up Morana's spine. "We're fine. Get lost." Valdemar's smile ceases. "That's awfully rude. I'm not doing anything wrong." In the blink of an eye, Valdemar was practically pushing Morana back against a wall. Suddenly an inch from her face, she couldn't help but back away. His sick smile played back onto his lips. "Morana!!" Julian called out. "Morana?!" Julian was approaching. Fast. As he did, Valdemar's smile faded away. "Saved by the doctor." With that, Valdemar stepped back, speeding out and away from Morana and the alley. She breathes out, not realising the last breath she took in she held. The kitten wriggles under her hand, she ruffled its fur carefully as she stepped out of the alley. "There you are!" Julian ran over with large, strong arms opening and wrapping themselves round Morana protectively. She smiled weakly, resting her head against Julian's heaving chest, feeling his heart pound from the run and the worry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you...I found an injured kitten." She looks up at him, moving slightly to show Julian the mini Pepi looking kitten in her arms. He blinks, not letting go but looking at the feline. "And it has an injured paw...you're lucky she found you, even if she scared me half to death! Closest I've been in a while." He winks at Morana. She chuckles, her gaze softening towards her tall pirate significant other. Julian smiles back, but his handsome smile slowly turns to a frown. "There's something wrong." His grip almost tightens. Damn. Morana puts on a cheeky grin and shakes her head. "It's the heat, finally got to me. Plus I need to take care of mini Pepi here." Mini Pepi mews in agreement. Julian sighs with relief, loosening his grip. "Thank goodness! And to think, I was worried we'd have to spend any longer outside...alright, let's head home and tend to 'mini Pepi' then." Morana smiles and nods, as they walked out of the alley Julian had an arm round Morana's shoulders, she had mini Pepi cradled in both arms. She looks around for the creepy visitor from earlier, and finds no luck in seeing them. Perhaps that was a good thing. Perhaps...

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