"Ven, babe, calm down. You're scaring him. Let's let him comprehend what's going on, and then we can toy with him, okay?" Eddie whispered to his significant other, who quickly let Peter go.  The tendrils made their way back to the front seat and combined back with Venom. As soon as the tendrils were off his body, Peter darted straight up, trying to get the uncomfortable gag out of his mouth. He wiggled around uncomfortably, unknowingly teasing his kidnappers. "God his thighs," Venom thought to Eddie who nodded in response. If Eddie wasn't so worried about Peter, he would have happily talked to Venom about Peter for the rest of the ride. 

Peter cringed.

Eddie looked to the back of the car, seeing Peter in such a fragile and panicked state upset him. He wanted to give him a sense or feeling of comfort, although Eddie knew quite well Peter's spider-sense must have been going off like crazy around both Eddie and Venom. Peter did his best to remain calm, but the ghost of Venom's tendrils gave him the ick.

"Venom, remove his gag, won't you?" Eddie spoke quietly to his lover. Eddie turned his attention to Peter. "Are you going to be a good spider if we remove your gag? No screaming for help, or trying to get attention from anyone outside this car, am I clear?" Eddie questioned, waiting for a physical response from the man. Peter nodded, grateful to get the gag out of his mouth, the cotton fabric rubbed harshly at the roof of his mouth and he wanted more than anything to get it away from his innards.

Venom reached back and moved to take the gag out of Peters's mouth. Peter at first, sprang away. His spidey sense around these two was like an itch he couldn't scratch. He was put into such a vulnerable position without his hands free and his ability to fight. Venom waited for Peter to calm down and slowly took the gag out of his mouth. After a few seconds of Peter obediently sitting in silence, Eddie smiled widely. "I told you he would obey us," he turned back to Peter. "Good boy," he praised, "You're such a good boy, Peter." Peter was at a loss for words, confused about why deep down, he enjoyed being called such a name. He was nervous and was squeezing his hands together tightly leaving red marks on his skin. Anxious, What is the plan here? What are these two going to do to me?

Peter was wracking his brain trying to figure out their motives for kidnapping him. Villains often did. Peter was quite used to being knocked out and waking up somewhere else. His spider DNA made him quick on his feet. He liked to imagine it as if he was being knocked out of a web. He always landed on his feet in these situations. But usually, the villain unfurled their plan to Peter as soon as he woke up. Venom and Eddie waiting to tell him their master plan was making him quite anxious.

"Peter, man, you're doing so good, Venom is going to drive the rest of the way to our location and I'm going to sit in the backseat with you," Eddie attempted to calm him down, smiling in his direction. Eddie's smile made Peter feel fuzzy, and even more confused. At least he didn't use a pet name this time. He tried to think positively. As of now, Peter had completely forgotten he was in a car. Let alone that they were driving to an unknown location. Maybe then the couple would fill him in on everything that was going on.

Eddie leaned over and whispered something to Venom. Before Eddie hopped out of the car, Venom's tendril made its way to Peters's ankles, making him immobile and unable to run out of the car when Eddie opened the door. Eddie smiled at Peter, sitting down next to him and closing the door. He looked over to Peter and gave Venom the signal that he could release Peter and begin driving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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