Chapter 2: Awkward

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I woke up but I didn't want to get out of bed. Eventually I got out of bed and took a shower. I put some jeans and a green shirt and a purple sweater and I greased my hair back. I went downstairs and only Johnny, Steve and Soda were there.

"You feeling better Pony" Steve asked

"Ya I'm better now" I aswered back. "Uh we better be going Johnny" I said to Johnny. He stood up and we walked through the door.

"Somethings up with Steve" I said as we reached school.

"Really I didn't notice anything different" he answered back.

"Oh well ok then" I said as the bell rang.

"I'm staying after school again Johnny" I said going into class.

"Ok Pony" he said as i entered.

School was good I guess nothing much happens like always. After school I went to track practice and we did the usual. When i was walking out I saw Steve and it seemed as if he was waiting for me.

"Hey what you doing here Steve" i asked walking towards him.

"Oh Darry said he didnt want you walking alone so I told him I could come pick you up"

"Oh um ok" honestly I didn't like the idea but whatever.

We started walking and I got uncomfortable cause he was walking offly close to me.

"So how was school" he asked

"Good" I aswered

We reached my house and I went up to my room to do my homework. When I was done I went downstairs and sat on the couch with the rest of the gang. I could see Steve staring at me again.

"Ima go for a walk" I said

"I'll go with you"  Steve said

"No that's fine I'll go alone" I said and he just sat back down.

I walked out the door and I was a block away when I saw a group of socs beating up a girl. I quickly ran up to them.

"Hey don't hit her" I said.

"What are you gonna do about it grease"

I punched him in the nose and he started bleeding. He punched me back and I felt the blood flowing down my mouth. He hit me again on the cheek and I fell back. I saw them running away and I turned around to see the gang. I looked back at the girl and she was unconscious.

"Oh jees Pony are you ok, look at you lip" Steve said grabbing my cheek.

I quickly moved my head. "I'm fine look at her she's unconscious!" I said getting mad.

He just gave me a concered look and helped the gang with the girl. When we got to our house Darrh cleaned up the girl and then me.

2 hours later......

"Where am I" we heard a small voice say. We all looked towards the girl.

"You were getting beat up by some socs" I said

"Ugh those stupid ass socs" she said said sitting up. She had a bruise on her cheek and a cut on her forehead.

"Well ya then we brought you here, over there is Darry my brother, Sodapop who is also my brother, Dally Johnny Steve and Two-Bit." I said pointing to each.

She said hi to all of them and she started talking to Steve, they really hit it off.


Hey people hoped you liked it. please tell me if you guys are liking the story please!! Comment and vote! Feedback!!!!

~lets do it for Johnny man we'll do it for Johnny

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