He had a large white bandage wrapped around his head and monitors all around him.

“Miss Langston?” A doctor that walked into the room spoke in a calm tone.

“Yes, please tell me how he is.” I said as I shook the doctor’s hand and wiped a lone tear from my cheek.

 “He’s responding well to treatment. We are actually taking him off the meds today to take him out of the coma. His scans are all clear, so we are hopeful for a full recovery.” He assured me.

 I held Nate’s hand as a nurse came in and turned off one of the bags that were hooked to him.

“Blue! I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turned to see Helen coming in. She looked older and exhausted. “Your father told me that Grady is dead, thank God.” She whispered into my ear as we hugged.

“Yes, he is. We can all rest a little easier now.” We were pulled from our conversation by the doctor.

“This shouldn’t take long at all to work from his system so that he can wake up.”

“Wake up baby, please.” I pleaded to Nate’s sleeping form in the bed in front of me.

“Please Nathanial, I need you, Blue needs you, these babies need a daddy.” Helen said as she placed a kiss to his forehead.

I was holding back tears when I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I gasped as he did it again and his eyes started opening. Those amazing green eyes of the man I love so much.

“Blue… mom…” His voice was so raspy, but beautiful all at the same time.

I was now crying and couldn’t answer him.

Helen spoke up. “We are both here dear, how do you feel?”

He slowly looked around the room and his eyes met mine. “I’m so sorry Nate; I never wanted you to get hurt. I love you Nate and I am never going anywhere that is if you’ll still want me around.” I let my gaze fall to the floor while I waited for his response.

“Where is the stuff I had?” He asked while again looking around the room.

Helen and I looked at each other. “What?” She asked.

Nate rolled his eyes. “My belongings, where are they?” Nate asked back. The nurse went into the closet and brought out a bag. He took it and slowly dug through it. “There you are.” He pulled out the ring that he had given me, the one that I had left with the note when I left. “I believe this belongs to you.” He said as he held it out for me to take.

I just stood there in shock, how can he still want me after everything that happened? “Nate are you sure?”

He smiled his amazing smirk up to me. “Blue, after everything we’ve been through, how can you ask me that? Do I need to get down on one knee again?” He started to pull his blanket away to try and stand up.

“Don’t you dare mister!” Helen ordered as she pushed him back down on the bed.

“Nate stay put.” I put my hand out to him and he slipped the ring onto my finger. I leaned down and gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose. “I love you Nate and thank you, if you hadn’t come…”

“Shhh… you don’t have to think about that now, that bastard is dead and we have better things to think about.” Nate said back to me in his ruggedly calm voice. “How are you and our babies doing?” I looked at him sheepishly. “Blue, what is it, is there something wrong with you, with the babies?” He was openly concerned and his heart monitor started to pick up.

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