A Homosexual Father With Children

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Jason was not oblivious. No kid is, really, though adults think they are. Jason could tell something was up, as much as his father tried to cover it up with "I just had a stressful day at work," Jason knew it was more. He didn't miss when Whizzer didn't greet Marvin with a kiss, or the snarky comments shared over dinner, or the building tension while Marvin helped Jason get ready for bed. Jason knew it was coming.

However, knowing the future doesn't change how you feel when it happens. It seemed to happen right after Jason turned his light off for bed.

"I fucking hate you, your a lying little bitch aren't you?"

"I need- no-DESERVE someone better than your shit ass."

"You love me! I know you love me so don't pretend that you don't!"

"If you want a housewife, go fucking get Trina! I'm not some toy for you!"

"I'm leaving! Im leaving and don't be suprised if I never fucking come back you little slut? You think you can jump around on different dicks like a whore?  Goodbye, slut!"

A single tear pooled in Jason's eye, threatening to open the flood gates and release everything.

'Stop being a baby' Jason told himself, 'Everyones parents fight.'

The arguing continued, growing more heated and vicious by the minute. Insults where being thrown out like free samples. Jason heard the door slam, shaking the apartment. Then it was silent. Just Jason's uneven breaths and the cars on the streets below them could be heard in the room. Jason listened to try and tell if it was Whizzer or Marvin who stormed out of the house, but he couldn't tell.

Jason sat there for a moment, not ready to go to sleep yet. A few minutes passed, and his door creaked open slowly. Jason turned to look up. The sillouhette in the light flooding into his dark bedroom was Whizzer-shaped, and unless his father suddenly grew taller and more curvy, then he guessEd it was his dads lover.

"I'm sorry that you had to hear all of that..." Whizzer's voice had that scratchy edge of when you just finished crying.

"It's okay." Jason whispered. Whizzer looked at him sadly.

"Can you fall asleep?" Whizzer asked, leaning on the door frame. Jason shook his head, which was followed with a sigh from Whizzer. "Alright, kiddo, come out and I'll turn on a movie for you."

Jason smiled and followed Whizzer into their living room. He sat on the plaid couch with a blanket while the other man flipped through the channels until he settled on an old western movie. Jason settled into the hideous couch, getting absorbed into the movie.

A few minutes later, Whizzer handed him a bowl of icecream. Jason muttered a single "thanks" to him, glady taking the bowl.

Jason wasn't exactly sure what the plot of the movie was. It was just a lot of swearing, gun shots, and horses. It was good enough entertainment for him. Unfortunately, his attention was drawn from it by the sound of the phone buttons clicking loudly. Jason looked to the kitchen. Whizzer was leaning on the counter, looking stressed. He waited as the phone rang, occasionally glancing at the front door.

"Hey, Trina..." Whizzer spoke into the telephone when it picked up. Oh no, mom won't be happy about this, Jason thought to himself. He couldn't here what the other side of the phone was saying, but from Whizzers responses he could figure it out for himself.

"Yes, its Whizzer, and yes, I know its late, but me and Marvin got into a fight and-"


"I didn't call you for you to insult my relationship. I called you to see if you could pick up Jason? I don't know when Marvin is coming back and I don't want him here for that."


"Okay, I'll have him packed and ready." Jason turned back to the T.V. in case Whizzer looked over and saw him eavesdropping. Moments later Whizzer had returned to Jason.

"Done with that?" Whizzer asked, pointing at his half-eaten bowl of icecream. Jason nodded, handing it to Whizzer to clean up. "Go pack up, your mother is coming to pick you up."

"Okay," Jason said, throwing his blanket to the side and standing up.

While he was stuffing his belongings into his backpack, he spotted his chess-themed sticky-notes on his desk. It gave him an idea. Grabbing a Sharpie, he wrote in sloppy handwriting.

Thanks for the movie and the icecream, your an amazing dad.

Love, Jason

He took the sticky note off in a satisfying action, and quietly snuck out of his room. Luckily, the bathroom wasn't far from his room. Whizzer had an intense skin care routine at night, so Jason left the note on one of his many bottles of facewash.

"Jason, your moms here!" Whizzer called.



When Jason returned the next weekend, Marvin and Whizzer were back to their old gay selves, with their relationship being just as horny and chaotic as it was before. Though, when Jason was unpacking his bag in his bedroom, he spotted a note on the desk. He smiled when he read it.

Dear Jason,

Your welcome for the treats, I hope you had a good time with you mom. Thanks for being an understanding son

Love, Whizzer ❤️

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