Chapter One: So Naive

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 The robot opens her eyes again, the glass door of the tank opening. She blinks a few times before realising that she had just woken up. "Doctor! Doctor, I'm back! Doctor!" She exclaims, stepping happily out of the tank. Her eyes widen, "Doctor?" She asks.

 The lab is a mess, papers full of plans for machines over flow the trash can. Computer and laptop screens are cracked. Empty cans for food, crushed water bottles, machine parts, all scattered across the floor of the lab. 

 "She was probably in a rush, poor thing. I'll fix it right up!" Y\N says with a smile. She starts cleaning up the lab, making it as best and shiny as it was twenty years ago in a matter of minutes. She's so naive to the world. Her eyes sparkle as she gets an idea, "I'll surprise her! Yeah, I'll get new clothes since these are wrinkled and maybe brush my hair since this is getting slightly tangled." 

 She cleans herself up and is wearing a clean white dress. She's standing in the same spot she was twenty years ago, humming happily. She's so naive as to what happened to her precious doctor.

 She stands there for minutes, hours, days, a full week. She's still smiling, thinking that the doctor must be very busy. She's thinking to herself that any moment know, Dr. Rose Giro will walk through the lab door and laugh so full of joy and call her those sweet nicknames, and show her what the world is like. She's so naive to the war going on outside.

 She keeps thinking that she'll see short people that go to her hip, tall people who'll ruffle her hair in playful fun, wide people who'll have had a few to many burgers that last week, skinny people who wish to look like Barbie. She's so naive to how many deaths there were.

She starts looking around, everything reminding her of the doctor. A framed picture that's cracked, a ripped blueprint, a soda spill still visable on the tile. She's so naive she doesn't notice that Dr. Rose Giro was one of the first to fight and the first to die in that battle of mortals and God's going on outside. 

Yet she only thinks of seeing the doctor again, and how many things she'll see when they go explore the town together.

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