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Yume stood in front of her house, she didn't move an inch for the past five minutes. Yume was feeling reluctant to step into the house, for reasons that she doesn't know off. Soon, the door opened in front of her, and the maid stood there, welcoming Yume back.

"Yume-sama, welcome back." 

"A-ah. Sorry to have you open the door for me, wasn't meaning to stand outside. Could you just bring me some lunch to my room please? I'll be there studying." Yume asked as she stepped into the house and headed to her room.

She opened the door to her room and walked over to her neatly kept desk. She took out her books and put it on her table, preparing for her study session. Taking out her phone, she blocked all notifications and plugged in her earpiece. With that, her holidays officially started.

She opened her book and started writing her notes, her plan was to at least stay a chapter ahead before school restarted. 

Worry about results first, everything else comes after.

Making a mind map for Mathematics, showing the common misconceptions, stating the important formulas that must be remembered. Writing notes for Science, drawing diagrams took a longer amount of time since it was detailed, especially when it came to Biology.since it was extremely wordy. It would mean losing marks if she missed out on a certain keyword.

Remembering the types of chemical equations and learning how to balance them was a pain, it was practically trial and error and it was something Yume disliked a lot.

Why was Yume always studying? She herself didn't know. All she knew was to study to let time pass. She didn't know what to do during holidays because she didn't have friends. All she had was her room and herself. She rarely left the house because she didn't see the need to. 

Giving herself a break after studying for an hour, she started eating the lunch that the maid had left her when she started studying. 

Which means my lunch has gone cold. 

Yume shrugged and said to herself, "Nothing I'm not used to."

She turned on her phone to catch up on the recent things that's happened to S4. Yume found it incredibly hard to stay interested in things, but that being said, S4 for was one of the few things she's still interested ever since their debut. 

"It's so nice to see S4 again..." Yume said to herself, reflecting on the last time she saw them, even if it was through a screen. 

She continued watching videos and shows of them until she was done with her lunch break. The moment it was over, she went back to doing the same thing until dinner. 


"Ugh, why won't these dreams stop?" Yume held her head, hoping to stop the pain. 

She's incredibly annoyed over the fact that she's been waking up in the middle of the night because of the dreams she's been having. A small boy and a young Yume. 

I'm always chasing him or with him. The arguments we have in the dream is always about the smallest things. 

It's not even a nightmare, so why does it hurt?

She always thoughts they were nice dreams the moment her headaches subsides, but she would rather not have those dreams if it meant such pain. 

But it feels so real too. 

As time goes by, each dream became more and more vivid for her. It makes Yume feel as if she was actually there, watching two kids running around doing stuff together, being inseparable. 

She lied back down on her bed, looking at the ceiling with her arm over her head. She let out a sigh into the silent room, "I've got one more week... until school starts."

Staring at the ceiling for a few more minutes, she decided to go and grab a cup of water. On the way to the kitchen, she passed by her parents' room. 

Are they talking about something? They're being a bit loud, or at least loud enough for me to hear. 

"Masaru... I think we should just tell Yume about Yuuki-kun. Even she's having dreams of it." 

"If Yume herself wants to remember, then she can remember it herself. If she can't, perhaps it's better off being forgotten. The only reason why Yume forgot her memories was because of Yuuki Subaru." 


I have forgotten memories? 

And it's because... of Subaru?

Yume no longer felt the need for water and turned back for her room. The conversation that she accidentally overheard turned everything upside down. 


Does that mean I used to know Subaru? Or was it Subaru that knew me? What did he do that made me lose my memories? What did I lose? 

But Subaru didn't look like he knew me when I first met him on the balcony. Maybe he forgot about me already?

Thoughts like this invaded Yume's mind constantly. It disturbed her throughout every single second of the day. She couldn't focus on her studies or whatever she tried to do. More and more questions was created in her mind, and soon enough, she was sick and tired of it. 

I'm starting to hate him even more now. 

I'm not even in school, and he's causing me problems. 

As if trying to show that her day was not bad enough, the pencil lead broke and unfortunately, that was Yume's last pencil lead. 

"Aggggh!" Yume screamed in frustration. 

Dang it! 

She stood up and grabbed her bag and headed out for the first time in the month. Why?

To do stationary shopping. 

"This is ridiculous..." Yume said to herself as she paid for her pencil lead.

Ready to head back home, she left the shop, only to see the person occupying her mind most of the day. She wanted to ask him the questions she's had in her mind for a long time, but she had doubts. 

What if he doesn't remember me? I'll look like an idiot if that happens. 

"Oh- Hey Yume." Subaru greeted her. 

"Hello... Subaru." She replied hesitantly. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Buying pencil lead, I ran out."

"Alright. Ah! Before I forget, you should really check your messages." He said. 

Yume shook her and answered, "I'm busy, I don't have time to check my messages. I'll do it when it's the last day of the holiday. But if it's that urgent, just call me."

She left the place before he could give her a reply. Yume didn't feel like staying there anymore, because if she did, she was worried the questions she have would just come out from her mouth by accident. 

I don't like you Subaru. 

I hate you for giving me so much trouble. 

I hate you for making me so distracted. 

[To be continued...]

Written on: 15 September 2019

I'm sorryyyyyyy. I didn't finish this chapter until just now, although I only added a few sentences.

But here's to the start of the second part, Are all that matters! I hope you'll enjoy this book as much as you did with the last, if not even more so!

I'm going to be putting in a lot more effort into writing this, so look forward to it!

See ya in the next one! Tell me how this chapter was!

~ Berry :)

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