It Chapter 2

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Okay cool

Yo it was pretty fucking great. Like I had a blast. I just came back from the cinema with the lads and we had a great time.

First of all, the scares were predictable af but were still done well (omg that poor girl at the baseball game, she was too pure rip). I really liked the cg on Pennywise when his face opens up and reveals the lights in his mouth, so fucking epic to watch on the big screen.

The only bit I was really scared at was the scene when Stanley's head turned into that fucking. Thing. I'm extremely arachnophobic and I nearly had a full on panic attack in the cinema, but I calmed down after it was finished. Man, that sucked. But hey, spoiders are a classic horror movie trope, can't blame 'em for adding one.

One thing that did bother me was the beginning. I wouldn't have cared too much if it were just some random gay couple walking home at night and one of them getting picked off. They have to establish that Pennywise is back, I get that. But did they really have to show two innocent men getting fucking brutally assaulted, one getting chucked in a river and showing a first person view of how he was drowning, and having his boyfriend watch him as he has his throat ripped out? And the perpetrators getting off absolutely fucking Scott free? I'm not okay with that. If you want a non important couple to die, fine. But I don't want to see people getting relentlessly beaten for no reason, they had nothing to do with the plot. Seriously. Fuck that.

Other than that though, I really enjoyed the movie. There is another character revealed to be gay later on, bless his heart he's great, and BEN SURVIVED YEAHHHHHHHH-

I am in love with Ben, since the first movie I've loved him sm my god and bitch, what a glo up. He so handsome wowie

Also pennywise was so funny what the hell. I don't know if I was supposed to laugh every time I saw his goofy eyes but damn, I did. He was a right riot, what a madlad. Though him killing that little boy in the mirror maze was a bitch move, that wasn't cool man >:(

So yeah. Really enjoyable movie, I recommend if you like a good horror film, enjoyed the first one, or both ^^

Won't be sleeping tonight yeet-

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