1970's pt.1

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Picture it... Los Angeles 1970 dancers and hippies, bikers marital problems and two singers this is where it starts...

The singers had just finished their rendition of Honey Honey on the show James Hour talk show and then He had invited the Dancers / Singers to sit and talk with him "So what made you guys come up with that song?" James asked the two Carol looked at her girlfriend in the eyes "I think it was the idea of being in love." *the crowd oo's Val looked at the camera that was in front of the crowd, "My idea of what the song was for writing it was like I or she were writing in our diary's when we were teens, and we couldn't be together." She continued in her British accent, the next question he asked, "So what about those groovy dance moves?" Carol then continued and grabbed Val's hand, "We practiced those a lot on tour and in our basement, we just think of something and then we show and if we like it or don't we will tell the truth about how we feel."Then James lit a cigarette and offer one to the girls "Do you want a light?" He asked, "We can't take those There not the best for singers voices ." Val said, "ok." The rest of the episode went on and he asked the last of his questions, "Well that's all we have tonight lovely people of the world." And he ended the episode the way he did with all the other ones that aired, then they all went backstage to the dressing rooms. As they were all leaving James caught Carol and Val "so how do you think it went?" he asked, "I think it went swell." Val answered. "What's going on in your life James?" Carol asked, "Just the normal Fighting with my wife and so on, she a real crazy bitch." He answered, "What do you mean a crazy bitch?" Val asked, "You know the normal threatening to burn everything in your house including your Louis Vuitton luggage we take everywhere that kinda crazy." He said as if it were normal, they both went wide-eyed and laughed the three of them together "You want to come over for drinks?" He asked them "Sure why not." Val answered they got in their two different cars and Val and Carol followed James to his big house, there were more cars in the driveway James walked inside confused why there were more people there than just Sophia, he walked into the living room where the couches were in the sunken part and walked down the two steps to get to his wife and saw Tony and His wife Pepper "oh hey James." Sophia said "can I talk to you alone for a minute." he asked then Carol turned to Val "here comes crazy bitch." she whispered, they walked to the kitchen on the other side of a medium-size hall "Why the hell are the Stark's here tonight?" he shouted "Because its Saturday night and we told them they could come over for what was it exactly o ya drinks!" Sophia yelled he blinked "we will talk about this later." he said sarcastically trying to yell at her, "You mean to yell." she snapped they both walked back to the living room acting as if nothing happened, "You guys have a really nice home." Pepper commented, "Thank you Pep." Sophia said, "So how was the show tonight James?" Tony asked, "Thank you, Tony, for asking it went great we had Carol and Val on the show tonight, but of course, if you were here while we were filming you would have seen that because Sophia watches the show every night." Tony looked confused "We didn't watch it," the doorbell rang "Saved by the bell literally." Val said Sophia ran to the door and Steve and Natasha were there "Can we come in or did you see a ghost?" Sophia hugged Steve which is the one who said that "Thank god you're here come in were having drinks." She continued while walking them to the living room, "Hey James great show tonight." Natasha commented, "Please more people." Sophia mumbled, "So are you going to show us around." Carol asked, "Ya Lets go." James said "So as you can tell this is our living room," then they walked down the medium size hallway "This is the kitchen," they went through the whole house and by the time they got back to the living room Sophia and James nieces Sharon and Scarlett and Scarlet's Husband/ Bodyguard were there James rolled his eyes By this time it was 11:00 clock and he knew that they wouldn't leave till almost 2:00 "Hey auntie Sophie What's been going on?" Scarlett asked, "Nothing much just about to pour everyone a glass of whiskey ." She set out nine glasses and started filling them up with the whiskey about halfway, the night went on and everyone got drunk to the point where everyone passed out, luckily James and Sophia made it to their room. The next morning Sophia woke up and walked to the kitchen and noticed that everyone was gone when she walked into the kitchen and then saw James "where's everyone?" She asked, "I sent them home," He answered "So what about not watching the show." He said irritated "They were guests here and that means tend to them and not watch a TV show, and at least I remembered that we had guests." She snapped, "I don't have time for this right now I have to go down to the agency Soph." He kisses her cheek and left. She rolled her eyes, over at Tony and Peppers house, "Tony So today you're going to the set right?" Pepper asked "Well why would I need to when I have you." He smirked at her Then Tony's abrupt cousin came upstairs and said "Do we have any of the co

coke or did we run out again?" Tony looked at him "look Chewbacca if we ran out, it would be because of you." He stated "Rude Tony so what's going on today?" Thor asked Pepper looked at her husband "Can we get rid of him please?" She asked "He's family I'm going to set see you later honey and be nice." He then kissed her on the lips "So Pepper what are you doing today?" He asked, "I'm going to the agency where I can talk to Steve and Natasha about stuff with Sophia and James and hopefully, I can talk to them if their there, don't break anything ." She then left, at the agency in the conference office Steve and Natasha and James were talking about the talk show and what movies or tv shows Sophia was doing "Sorry I'm late, I got caught up with Thor, Tony's cousin who is always stoned , his girlfriend kicked him out a couple of weeks ago and now he's living with us It's annoying." she explained then Sophia walked in with no explanation as to why she was late she looked as if her husband were to say anything she might throw the glass bottle she had in her hand at him if he did open his mouth, "Sophia why haven't you been singing on to projects? I mean like they offered you a role in that space movie what's it called?" Sophia glared "You mean Star Wars as the princess."She answered, "Ya that one but you said no to the contract to a role you were offered, and you shot it down out the window, but luckily for them, they had a backup who is someone you might know Carey Fisher there filming the movie seven years before it's supposed to come out so they can get every detail in Sophia and your like, no its fine just blow it off you would have been not that you aren't an even bigger star in Hollywood." Steve said, "That's great for her I and Carey go way back." Sophia stated, "Ya thats grate for her but Sophia not taking roles thats not good for your ... our look." James said, "How about the movie Tony is working on its called CLAIRE'S KNEE (LE GENOU DE CLAIRE) I think they're still looking for a lead actress." Pepper said trying to help the Technion leave the room, "Sophia you need to take it please." James begged Sophia rolled her eyes " I am not signing on to it James!" Pepper walked over to where Steve and Natasha were "I suggest we leave before it actually happens." she whispers to them as James and Sophia were fighting in the background Steve and Natasha shook their heads Yes as they walked very fast out of the room, in the main office aria people were talking amongst their selfies while in the background they could here James and Sophia yelling at each other. 

1970'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن