the cold (part 1

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"You're worthless!" The words cut like a blade, and I looked up, my father had a look of pure hatred on his face as he continued kicking things around my room
"Shut up!" He screams, as his hand connects to my face, knocking me all the way to the ground, he kicked me and i feel anger surge through my veins like a shock of electricity.
I stand up and push him, ignoring the blood pouring from my nose, and onto the floor, staining my shirt.
I grab the bag from under my bed and a hoodie, and rush out the door, grabbing my shoes on the way out, i rush out and wince at the sudden cold biting at my face as the wind rushes around me
"Come back and I'll kill you you piece of shit!"
Tears fall down my face, stinging as they slip down
I put my shoes on and begin running, into the woods, away from the hellhole ive never been able to call home.

"Its my fault."
"Its my fault."
"Its my fault."

I dont look back as i break through the brush, the twigs tearing at my face and cold fogging my mind, i keep running, tears long gone as i slow to a walk, the sky has darkened and its gotten colder, my hands start trembling, no longer able to run to keep my body temperature up, i put on my hoodie and begin shivering, i fall, the snow melting on my clothes and making me even colder as i walk, i get back up and continue walking, the cold numbs my entire body and i feel something snap inside me, and i realize whats going to happen to me
I fall and dont get back up. My entire body weak, "I'm going to die out here."  I think. I hear footsteps and feel myself being lifted off the ground as i pass out.

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