2. School

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As I look out the window, I look at the trees and buildings. Soon enough it gets boring so i took out my backpack and looked for my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I played my favorite music and eventually fell asleep.

The noise level in the bus got even louder than before. I open my eyes and check what the commotion was even about...

It was him.
I can feel the anger build up.
It was his fault.
The boy who ruined my face.
Who left me behind.
T h a t  f u c k i n g  B A S T A R D.

s     n      a     p

I finally get back to reality again. Everyone got quiet again. He's staring at me. I can feel the tears start to form. He's starting to talk again. I quickly turn around and ignore him. The bus stops and we are finally at school. I hear him shout my name and telling me to come back. I quickly grab my backpack and run out of the bus. I can hear him call my name again except it's getting closer and closer. I end up sprinting inside the school and go inside the auditorium then hide in the sea of people hoping that he won't find me. Minutes later the bell finally rings and I bolt out of there and head to my home room.
210... 211... 213... and found it. Room 214. I sit in my favorite spot and wait for the teacher to enter the room.

Sorry for the shorter chapter :/
My creativity isn't working rn but I wanted to make a chapter I hope you understand
And thank you for reading this trash :,)

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