story of a tutor

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A/N: this is based on a true story. Names and locations have been omitted/changed for privacy. Enjoy :)

There is so much going on around us. So many people, with different past and stories to tell. But in the bustling city what else co-exist? Something does. Something we cannot comprehend. The unknown.

This story is of a teacher. An ordinary person, living an ordinary life. He was good at his job. His name was James. To earn more he home tutored many kids. One day he was running a simple errand for his family when someone called out to him. It was a mature looking man. Tall, muscular with a hint of mystery. He offered James a job to tutor his kids. He accepted the offer. The man was delighted and gave him the address of his home.

The next day James arrived at the stated address. It was an old house with a sad outlook. But in all other aspects it was normal. He proceeded to go inside and rang the doorbell. He was greeted by the same man. Inside it was quite dark. The house was massive and luxurious. The man showed James around. There was one room, in the far corner. James was strictly told not to ever go there. Well he didn’t need to… or did he?

James met the kids. Something was off about them. Something he couldn’t put his finger on. They looked sleep deprived and sick. Anyway he waved off his feeling being ridiculous.

James went at that house every day, even on Sundays. The kids were good at studies and all else was normal. Still in some corner of his heart the feeling lingered.

One more thing was that James saw two women in the house who served him tea or juice. But they talked in some foreign language. It sounded as if some sound file was forwarded at hi-speed. Again James waved this off too.

The pay was good. A bit too good. But who says no to fortune. Time passed by peacefully and he got his pay right on time. No complaints whatsoever.

One day James caught up in some other work and was late to arrive at that house. The man inquired and James told him he was with his family.

“No need to lie, I know you were busy with some work.” the man said peacefully.

James was baffled. So he asked “how do you know?”

To which the man replied “Simple, I could see you.”

“So you were at the market too?” James asked matter-of-factly.

“No” the man said.

“Then?” James asked a bit worried.

“I was at the rooftop of my house and saw you. Come now no need to waste any more time.” the man said and went inside.

This was too odd. How could he see James at the market, in the other district, from this rooftop?! Whether he was joking or taking it lightly that James arrived late.

But dread built up inside James. What was going on? Were these people normal? Was he over-reacting to the situation? Did the man mean what he said? So many questions but no answer.

That evening James was with his friends having a good time. He told the odd thing to his closest friend. His friend was interested so he suggested that they check out the house that night.

They both agreed and proceeded. But there was no house, just an empty plot. James re-checked the location. They even looked around the area a bit. Nothing. The house vanished in thin air. It was as if it never existed.

James did believe in the supernatural but was it even possible? It sure was.

For many days James visited that location only to be disappointed with an empty plot. It was clear the people there weren’t human. Something unknown. After that James avoided that location and moved on with his life. Thinking back, now their actions make much more sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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