[R.T] 2

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Part 2~
"How long has it been, Brian?"

Roger and Brian were currently sitting down backstage, waiting to perform.

"What do you mean? Us touring? Or do you mean..." Brian trailed off, knowing where this conversation was going when Roger's eyes showed sadness. To be honest with himself, he was surprised that Roger was finally talking about the break-up.

When it first happened, Roger was a complete mess. He would stay up all day and night practicing his drums. It got to the point that he would just pass out right where he was sitting. Freddie and John had to constantly wake him up and put him to bed. Not once did he touch alcohol, though. It was obvious that he didn't want a repeat of that horrible night. When he saw y/n walk away, he promised himself that he would get her back. To others it would look like he was doing nothing, since he has been doing performances for a while, but in reality he has been making himself worthy of looking for her again.

Parties have been cut down from one everyday to one once a week. Drinking was out of the question. He only ever touched alcohol if there was something to celebrate. It may not be much, but those two things were what took away the best thing in his life away.

"Yeah...how long has it been since I last saw her? Do you..do you think she's proud of what we've been doing? Does she miss us? Does she miss me?..." His voice trembled.

Has she moved on with another?

"Well, Rog. I'm sure she's doing great, and yes, she's probably proud of us and misses us- you -  very much. " He placed his hand on Roger's shoulder " she probably thinks we left her behind and don't remember her since we're 'famous' now"

Roger chuckled lightly as he imagined y/n pouting back home. She would've probably called non-stop to remind us about her.

"This would've been a perfect time to mess with her! Imagine it Brian. We could've teased her to the point that she kill us all as soon as she saw us, but we wouldn't care since it all could've been worth it."

Roger's face said it all. He wanted his beloved y/n back in his life. If only Roger knew that Brian knew very well how much she wanted Roger back as well.

A few months after the break-up, Brian had gone to look for y/n. The whole conversation was her crying. She hated how she left him behind. It broke her so much that she couldn't leave her room for a long time. She loved him, and deep down, she wanted to run back to him. But no. She decided to stay away for the better.

Months went by, Queen started to get big, and meet ups with Brian became phone calls. They talked twice a week about anything, but somehow, he noticed that at the end of the call she would always ask about Roger.

Brian sigh.

How long has it really been?  He thought. By the looks of it, long enough

Brian stood up, seeing that it was time to start "I think it's time for the two of you to meet up and have a talk"

Roger's eyes widened. "Are you joking?"

Brian shrugged "It's been a long time since then. Think about it. You might not regret it"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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